국민건강보험 환급금 조회방법 How to apply for National Health Insurance refund inquiry – FoxCG

국민건강보험 환급금 조회방법National Health Insurance Refund refers to the refund of the overpaid amount among the health insurance premiums imposed by the National Health Insurance Corporation.
It is said that an average refund of 1,000,000 won will occur, so if you meet the conditions below, please inquire and apply.

How to apply for National Health Insurance refund inquiry

National Health Insurance refund inquiry and application can be made on the website of the National Health Insurance Service.

First, go to the website of the National Health Insurance Corporation.

After logging in, select the ‘Refund inquiry/application’ menu on the initial screen.

When a refund is requested, you can check the type and amount as above.

“How to apply for National Health Insurance refund inquiry”

If you select ‘Apply’, a confirmation window will appear as shown above.

If you agree to the consent to personal information for refund application, you can move to the following.

Now, enter the account to be refunded. The refund account can only be refunded to your own account.
When you apply, your refund application will be accepted after you verify your identity with simple authentication.

When the refund request is completed, you can check the screen like the one above.

For other inquiries or complaints, you can consult using the ‘National Health Insurance’ customer center below.

Business Hours 09:00~18:00

If you apply for a refund from the National Health Insurance after checking the refund inquiry result, it will be refunded through your registered refund account within 2 to 7 days.

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국민건강보험 환급금 조회방법

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