국민행복기금 소액대출 Comprehensive review of eligibility and method for applying for a small loan from the National Happiness Fund

국민행복기금 소액대출Today, we will tell you about small loans from the National Happiness Fund. This product is for those who want a small loan and is aimed at those who have faithfully repaid their debt. Now, we will tell you in detail about the National Happiness Fund’s small loan, including loan application qualifications, limit, interest rate, application method, and reviews.

The National Happiness Fund’s small loan is a product for those who want to take out a small loan, and can be briefly summarized as follows.

Anyone who is eligible to apply for a small loan from the National Happiness Fund can apply if they have received credit recovery support from a designated institution and have been repaying faithfully for more than 6 months, or if they have completed repayment within 3 years. Additionally, they can apply if any of the following items apply. This is possible.

1-1. National Happiness Fund Designated Institution

1-2. Qualification conditions (at least one must apply)

When applying for a small loan from the National Happiness Fund, you will not be able to receive a loan if any of the following applies.

The loan limit is up to 15 million won. The loan limit for this product is applied differentially depending on the faithful repayment period. Also, please note that the maximum loan limit for personal rehabilitation patients is 5 million won.

The loan interest rate is a fixed rate ranging from a minimum of 3.0% per year to a maximum of 4.0% per year. For this product, the loan interest rate is applied differentially depending on the faithful repayment period. In addition, an annual interest rate of 4.0% is applied to patients with personal rehabilitation, and an additional lower interest rate is applied to those over 70 years old, recipients of basic livelihood security, and the severely disabled.

The loan period can be up to 5 years. The loan repayment method is principal and interest repayment in equal installments. The equal installment repayment method is a method of repaying the principal as well as the interest every month.
Additionally, this product does not incur an early repayment fee if you repay the principal early, so you can freely repay the principal.

There are two ways to apply for a small loan from the National Happiness Fund. The first method is to visit the nearest regional headquarters of Korea Asset Management Corporation and apply, and the second method is to apply using the National Happiness Fund website. For detailed loan application procedures, please refer to the information below.

👉👉 Go to the National Happiness Fund application website

6-1. Loan application procedure

In order to use a small loan from the National Happiness Fund, you must prepare documents in advance. Basically, you will need an ID card, a copy of your resident registration, and a bankbook to verify your identity. The detailed list of documents is as follows.

7-1. Daily worker (earned income report) documents

7-2. Documents for non-reporters of earned income

7-3. Documents to verify income with national pension payment details

7-4. Documentation when verifying income with health insurance payment details (only available to local subscribers who are self-employed as the head of the household)

Looking at the reviews of the National Happiness Fund’s small loan, there were reviews such as that it is convenient because it can be used at a low interest rate for those who need a small amount of money in a hurry, that the approval rate is high, and that the interest rate is low compared to the fixed interest rate.

If you applied for a small loan from the National Happiness Fund but were rejected or do not meet the conditions, or if you would like to look into other products, we will inform you of alternative products. If you are interested, please refer to the article below.

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>>Summary of BNK Busan Bank credit loan speed loan application conditions and reviews

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