국민행복카드 발급 Issuance of National Happiness Cardle socio-economic de

국민행복카드 발급
We all strive to achieve happiness in our lives. It’s what motivates us to wake up every morning, to work hard, and to chase after our dreams. But how do we measure happiness? Is it even possible? In some countries, it is. One example is the issuance of a National Happiness Card in Bhutan.

What is the National Happiness Card?

The National Happiness Card is an ID card issued to citizens of Bhutan that measures their level of happiness. The card was introduced by the Bhutanese government in 2017 as a way to track the happiness of its citizens. It’s a small card that contains a chip that records a person’s interactions with various government and non-governmental organizations.

How is Happiness Measured?

The Bhutanese government uses a Gross National Happiness Index (GNH) to measure the country’s progress and development. The GNH is based on four pillars: sustainable and equitable socio-economic development, preservation and promotion of cultural values, conservation of the environment, and good governance. The National Happiness Card’s information is used as one of the indicators of the GNH.

What are the Benefits?

The National Happiness Card is part of Bhutan’s push to measure the outcome of policies in terms of happiness, not just economic growth. It helps the government to identify areas where citizens need assistance and to provide better services to them. It also allows for more targeted policy interventions that prioritize citizen happiness.

How is Data Collected?

To collect data for the National Happiness Card, individuals are asked to provide basic personal information, including their name, address, and contact details. They are also asked to provide information about their interactions with various government and non-governmental organizations. The information collected is stored on a secure server and is only accessible to authorized personnel.

Is it Mandatory?

The National Happiness Card is not mandatory, but citizens are encouraged to obtain one. The government hopes that the card will help to further its goal of achieving happiness for all citizens.

What Can We Learn From Bhutan?

Bhutan’s National Happiness Card is a unique way to measure citizens’ happiness. It shows that there are other ways to measure progress and development beyond just economic indicators. It also emphasizes the importance of policies that prioritize citizen happiness.

In Conclusion,

The issuance of the National Happiness Card in Bhutan is a unique and innovative way to measure a country’s progress and development. It shows that there are other ways to measure success beyond just Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or economic indicators. By prioritizing citizen happiness, Bhutan has set an example for the rest of the world to follow.


1) Is the National Happiness Card only for Bhutanese citizens?
– Yes, it’s only for Bhutanese citizens.

2) What information is contained on the National Happiness Card?
– Personal information and a record of interactions with various government and non-governmental organizations.

3) Is the National Happiness Card mandatory?
– No, it’s not mandatory.

4) Can expatriates apply for the National Happiness Card?
– No, it’s only for Bhutanese citizens.

5) How does the government use the information collected on the National Happiness Card?
– The information is used to identify areas where citizens need assistance, to provide better services, and to prioritize policy interventions.

6) Is the National Happiness Card’s information secure?
– Yes, it’s stored on a secure server and is only accessible to authorized personnel.

국민행복카드 발급

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