근로계약서 양식 다운로드 및 작성법 How to download and fill out the employment contract form

Today, I am posting to give you the employment contract form file. We will attach various 2022 employment contracts along with a brief explanation, so please download and use the files you need according to your situation.

근로계약서 양식

근로계약서 양식

Also, if you need information on how to sign up for the 4 major insurances and download the 4 major insurance subscription documents, I will provide a link, so please download them.


standard employment contract
Required inclusions
Employment contract fines
Standard employment contract form
1. Full-time employment contract
2. Part-time employment contract
3. Construction daily worker contract
4. Minor employment contract
5. Foreign worker employment contract
5-1. Foreign worker employment contract (agriculture/fishing/livestock industry)
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standard employment contract
standard employment contract
standard employment contract

An employment contract can be viewed as a document written by agreement between the company and the worker regarding the worker’s working conditions.

The photo above is attached to aid understanding. It is a standard employment contract for regular employees. There are various types of employment contracts divided into full-time/temporary/short-term/construction/minor/foreigners, etc. Therefore, you can choose and use the one that suits your situation.

There are no specific regulations on when to write an employment contract, but if it is not completed, a fine may apply, so it is recommended that it be written before the employee starts work.

Required inclusions

The employment contract period, work location, main content of work, prescribed working hours, working days and holidays, wages, annual paid leave, and social insurance must be included. Special provisions may be included.

In addition, there must be information on other allowance payment methods, wage calculation period, payment period, promotion, worker’s minimum hourly wage, severance pay, meal expenses, work supplies expenses, bonuses, etc.

It is recommended that the company clearly state confidentiality obligations, prohibition of changing jobs, attribution of intellectual property rights, and non-competition obligations.


Employees must check whether severance pay is included in their annual salary. Please note that a request for a penalty or compensation from the company is invalid, but may be partially permitted if training is received.

Employment contract fines
An employment contract is an important document that protects workers’ rights, so if you do not write it, you will be subject to a fine. The fine for not completing an employment contract is less than 5 million won. If you are a temporary or part-time worker, you must pay a fine of up to 5 million won.

This much is enough to make you a noble person. What if you are a regular worker and did not sign an employment contract? If you do so, you may be subject to criminal punishment and may be fined or become a criminal. For this reason, there are many cases where employees sue the company after leaving the company.

Any violation of the employment contract other than not completing it will result in a fine. Violation of relevant laws may result in a fine or fine of up to 5 million won.

As for a case of violation of an employment contract, we can look at a case that was ruled in November 2019. This was a ruling that the company lost for violation of labor-related laws even though it had set its own favorable working conditions and received collective consent.

Through this, we can see that even if the contents of a legally established employment contract are changed to advantage or violated, it has no effect and workers’ rights are protected first.


Standard employment contract form
I will now attach a standard employment contract form. I will attach both the HWP file, which is a Korean language file, and the doc, which is an Excel file, so you can select the one you need and use it.

1. Full-time employment contract
This is a full-time employment contract hwp and employment contract doc file.



2. Part-time employment contract
For reference, a part-time employment contract can be viewed as an employment contract for part-time workers.

This is a part-time employment contract hwp and employment contract doc file.

3. Construction daily worker contract
This is the hwp and doc file of the employment contract for daily construction workers.


4. Minor employment contract
This is a minor employment contract hwp and employment contract doc file.


5. Foreign worker employment contract
This is a foreign worker employment contract hwp and doc file.

5-1. Foreign worker employment contract (agriculture/fishing/livestock industry)
Foreign workers have different employment contract forms for agriculture, fishing, or livestock industries.


Today, we learned about the standard employment contract and attached the file.

Because an employment contract that is not written can have a negative impact on the company or employee, it is important to write it in advance on the first day of work or before work begins in earnest and share it with the employee and the company. Please note that it must be kept for 3 years from the date of termination of the employment relationship (in accordance with Article 42 of the Labor Standards Act and Article 22 of the Enforcement Decree of the Labor Standards Act).