다이소 재고 확인 Daiso inventory search location check tips (very simple)

다이소 재고 확인There are several ways to search Daiso’s inventory.
Typically, there is a way to check with an app.
This time, let’s check stock in a simpler way than the widely known method.
In addition to checking the inventory of the branch, you can also check where the branch’s inventory is located.

QR to check stock location in Daiso store

After recognizing the QR code of the image with the camera, search for and designate the desired point.
Then, simply search for the product code or product name of the product you want.
If the product is present at that branch, the product’s location will appear as a result, otherwise it will not appear.
It is possible to designate the Daiso branch you want, so you can check the stock by checking whether or not the results are displayed when you search.

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