It’s the season when the weather is already cold and I miss warm places. City gas rates used by each household Because city gas rates are used a lot in winter, city gas rates are higher than other periods. Today, let’s find out how to calculate city gas rates.
As mentioned above, in winter when the weather gets colder, heating demand soars, so you should carefully check your city gas usage and bill bills used at home to save money. The city gas rate calculation method is as follows. {(amount of consumption X correction factor) X average heat X unit price + basic charge + replacement cost} + VAT (10%) You can access the homepage of your local city gas company to check it. 도시가스 요금계산
In order to calculate the city gas rate, the usage contract number can be found on the gas bill. The city gas rate can be calculated as follows. 좋은뉴스
As described above, we have looked at how to calculate city gas rates. However, heating costs increase in the upcoming winter season. You can also use the above method to save heating costs in winter and check heating costs in use. I hope you have a warm winter.