로또 무료번호 Isn’t it illegal to advertise and receive money by offering free lotto numbers? | When you’re curious, Aha!

로또 무료번호hello. Lee Sang-hoon is a licensed real estate agent/economics/finance expert.
In my judgment, there is a good chance that what you mentioned is illegal or fraudulent.
We recommend that you do not respond to these advertisements and treat them as spam.
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hello. This is Janmang Rupi, an economics and finance expert.
There is a need to improve the system regarding early lottery number drawing. It appears that the lottery number drawing is in fact a fraud, but there are no appropriate punishment provisions. These companies are punished for false or exaggerated advertising, and they are subject to punishment when they use expressions that increase the odds of winning. The good number that the questioner mentioned seems a bit ambiguous to express.
I think efforts should be made to improve the system related to the lottery number recommendation service and block such advertisements from platform companies.

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To put it simply, it’s fishing.. Since they just don’t listen or see, they throw out some bait and make them leave customer information, and some of them are like this again.
Information may also be passed on to other places. Please be careful with these sites and do not pay for them. In most cases, there are winning numbers and a message saying that you have won.
Please know that this is false and do not be deceived by this.

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hello. Minseok Choi is an economics and finance expert.
Although it is not illegal under the Mail Order Sales Act, it is clearly a fraud. If you work there, you’ll end up having to scam hundreds of people every day and make phone calls for tens of millions of won, promising that they will win first prize within a year.
News came out that all lotto analysis companies are 100% scams. They continue to do business not because they are not scammers, but because foolish customers believe them no matter what they say and do not report it. If you go to civil society, you will never be able to prove the analysis data. It is the same as automatic selection. It is impossible to analyze the lottery.

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