모기 잡는 법 How to Find a Mysterious Mosquito

모기 잡는 법In summer, you can hear mosquitoes. Also, even if you go to bed at night, if you hear that sound, you won’t be able to sleep if you don’t find mosquitoes and get rid of them. But it wasn’t there when I went to bed, so where the hell was it hiding?

So, this time, I would like to introduce two amazing ways to find mosquitoes that are used abroad, as well as a way to find mosquitoes using their habits.

The mosquito was hiding in an unexpected place. So let’s find out right away.

Reference – [Information collection] – What to do when you are bitten by a mosquito
What to do when bitten by a mosquito
Mosquitoes sting, and the bites are really unbearably itchy. The itching is caused by mosquito saliva. Mosquitoes pierce a person’s capillaries with their needle-like mouths and suck blood, releasing saliva.
Here’s how to find two awesome mosquitoes that are being done abroad.
It’s all night. Please note that the URL is listed.

① How to find mosquitoes with a flashlight
URL: https://lifehacker.com/how-to-find-and-kill-that-single-mosquito-buzzing-aroun-1819107884

② How to find mosquitoes using advanced technology
URL: https://lifehacks.stackexchange.com/questions/7454/how-do-i-find-and-kill-a-single-mosquito-in-the-middle-of-the-night

So let’s look at it in detail.

1. Take a flashlight in your hand and turn off the room lights.
2. Turn on a small light (such as a table lamp and cell phone) without flashlight selected.
3. In that state, slowly move around the room and search for the sound of mosquitoes. If all goes well, the mosquito will come towards the light within a minute or two, and stop at a nearby wall.
4. Shine a flashlight parallel to the wall. If there are mosquitoes, a large shadow is seen.
5. Beat the mosquito as hard as you can to catch it.

1. Lie face down on the bed and place your phone or tablet on your chest with the brightness maxed out.
2. Take a deep breath toward the light. Mosquitoes, lured by the carbon dioxide and the brightness of the lights, wait for them to fly into the area.
3. Mosquitoes are likely to land on you or on your phone or tablet. And then get rid of that mosquito.

Mosquitoes hide in the dark when there is light. However, I think there is a habit of relying on some light when it gets dark. There is a way to find mosquitoes using it well.
Mosquitoes are easy to miss even if you chase them with your eyes. Where the hell did it disappear to? Is there any way to find mosquitoes in the room during the day?

yes there is

If you know the mosquito’s habits, you can know where it prefers. It’s good to find it right there.
How to find mosquitoes ①: Find a warm place
Mosquitoes like warm places between 25 and 35 degrees.
That’s why it happens in summer.
There are many things that stay warm after the sun hits the curtains or blankets.

How to find mosquitoes ②: Look for the back of home appliances such as TVs
The back of the television is warmed by heat. It is a pleasant place for mosquitoes who like warm places. It also stays on a warm floor lamp.

How to find mosquitoes ③: Find in the dark
Mosquitoes tend to like dark places. It can stay on the back of your PC or table, furniture, etc.

I found that mosquitoes are hiding in the back of home appliances (warm places) and in dark places. However, sometimes it is difficult to find a place like this. In that case, try using a method that can attract mosquitoes.
turn on the television
When the TV is turned on, the back of the TV gets warm. Mosquitoes like warm places, so they come to the TV.

Shirt and socks as bait (bait)
Hanging shirts and socks before washing can be used as bait. Mosquitoes gather by sensing human body temperature, sweat odor, and carbon dioxide.

drink alcohol
Mosquitoes gather when you drink alcohol (such as alcohol or beer). It seems to react to the carbon dioxide released when alcohol breaks down.
When you see a mosquito right in front of you, you think you’re going to catch it with your hands. How do you hold it in your hand?

I think most people will probably hit it like they’re waving their hands left and right. However, in fact, this increases the probability that the mosquito can escape.

Because mosquitoes are good at moving up and down. If you try to catch it left or right, it will easily run away vertically.

Conversely, left and right movements are clumsy. So, if you tap it with your hands, if you tap it facing up and down, you have a higher chance of catching it.
It is true that there are people who are easy to get bitten by mosquitoes and people who are difficult to be bitten by. Then why is there such a difference? In fact, as a result of a study by a Japanese high school student, it was found that mosquito bites are easier if there are many bacteria on the soles of the feet.

information and entertainment. I post useful information and entertainment issues in my life. Have a good time.

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