버거킹 쿠폰 사용법 How to order with a Burger King kiosk?! feat. Use Coupon

Are you reluctant to order from a kiosk terminal?! 버거킹 쿠폰 사용법

버거킹 쿠폰 사용법

I’d be honest if possible

As much as ordering through a kiosk terminal

The truth is that I want to avoid it. 비지니스헬퍼




What I felt when I visited Megabox in Sangam-dong a few days ago

It was that there were so many kiosk terminals.



Because there are many kiosk terminals

Is it because people dispersed?!



Behind the kiosk terminal

Just because there is no one waiting in line

The psychological burden was reduced, making it easier to use the kiosk terminal.




In contrast, the hamburger

The number of kiosk terminals

only 3 generations

At most, there are 4 of them, so


If you stumble a little while ordering

There was a lot of psychological pressure because the line behind them was long.



So I’m learning how to use a kiosk.

if you don’t know at all

Rather than wander alone

From the beginning, ask the store staff how to use the kiosk terminal.




This time I went to Burger King to eat a hamburger.



I need to use a coupon for a cheap hamburger I bought online.

In this case, it is not a normal order

because it is a special case

Blindly to a kiosk terminal

When ordering, you’re likely to stumble.



Where Burger King’s burgers come from



Burger King staff

At the kiosk terminal

How to order with coupon

I asked

Fortunately, they kindly let me know.






How to order with a Burger King kiosk?! feat. Redeem Coupon





I clear my mind, take a deep breath, and stand in front of the Burger King kiosk terminal.

Are kiosk terminals fearful?
When you tap the screen of a Burger King kiosk terminal, the order screen appears.

The order screen appears on the Burger King kiosk terminal.
Tap Use Coupon at the bottom left corner of the Burger King kiosk terminal screen.

If you click Use Coupon at the bottom left of the Burger King kiosk terminal screen, you will be taken to the Coupon Use screen.

Use a coupon at the bottom left of the Burger King kiosk terminal screen
On the Burger King kiosk screen, you will be asked to scan the coupon barcode you want to use or enter the coupon number.
It is much easier to scan the coupon barcode than to enter the coupon number manually.

Pointing a coupon barcode over a Burger King kiosk barcode scanner
When scanning a coupon barcode with a barcode reader, be careful that the brightness of the mobile phone screen must be set to the maximum!
After brightening the smartphone screen as much as possible, hold the coupon 2-3 cm away from the barcode scanner.
If the coupon has been read correctly, the coupon product will appear on the Burger King kiosk screen.

Coupon offer appears on Burger King kiosk screen
When I eat a hamburger, I enjoy eating it with coffee, but fortunately, it was nice that Burger King was able to change drinks for free.

It’s nice to be able to change drinks for free.
The basic drink is Coca-Cola (Regular size), but you can exchange for one of Coca-Cola Zero (Regular size), carbonated water Seagram, Americano, iced Americano, or 1 bottle of pure mineral water.
The weather got chilly, so I ordered a hot Americano instead of an Iced Americano.

A hot Americano goes well with a hamburger.
Select Change Hamburger and Beverage with Coupon and click Done.
Now for the final step. Choose whether you want to eat at the Burger King hamburger store or take it away, press OK, and you’re done!

Are you going to eat at Burger King? Are you going to pack it up and take it?
Since I was going to eat hamburgers at the Burger King store after a long time, I selected the store meal and clicked OK.

I’m going to eat a hamburger at Burger King.
I’m asking if I want a cash receipt. To receive a cash receipt, simply enter your mobile phone number.
Select Cash Receipt or just pass it over and press OK to get an order receipt from where the receipt comes out.
When the waiting number is called, show the receipt and pick up the burger.
Unfortunately, you cannot use multiple coupons when ordering from a Burger King kiosk terminal!
When ordering with a coupon, only one coupon can be used per order.
So I used 1 coupon and ordered 1 set first, then went back to the beginning again and used 1 coupon to order 1 set again.
How to use the Burger King kiosk terminal It was not difficult and easier than I was worried about.
While I was wasting my time using 2 coupons, the burger set I ordered came out quickly.
The hot americano didn’t give me a plastic lid at all. Probably because of environmental issues. They say they don’t even give out wipes anymore.

Burger King Americano is also delicious. 
Burger King’s potato sticks are so-so. I can feel the bitter taste. Haha

Mom’s Touch and Popeyes are the best for potato sticks.
It’s been a long time since I’ve eaten Burger King’s hamburger, but it’s unbelievable!

Burger King Bulgogi Whopper Junior is so delicious.
Burger King Bulgogi Whopper Junior is small. One bite. Haha

Wow… just looking at the pictures makes me drool.
Very neat Burger King Bulgogi Wapper Junior’s meat~ They said it was a mess because there was no lettuce, but the amount of lettuce was quite good.

Lettuce seems to be supplied stably again?!
Burger King’s Bulgogi Whopper Junior was small and easy to eat.
Burger King Bulgogi Wapper Junior’s unique sauce and moist and soft patties go well together, giving it a savory taste.


I really liked the interior of the Burger King store I visited after a long time.




soft lighting and

The harmonious brick-patterned wallpaper gives a warm and cozy feeling.



Burger King came out in 1954.

It’s been 67 years since then!




Wow~ Burger King loved for 67 years!


It is understandable why it has been loved by people for 67 years.


Because it’s delicious!!!



Ordering from a Burger King kiosk terminal was not as difficult as I thought.

Maybe that’s why

There were many elderly people who came to Burger King to drink a cup of coffee.



Elderly people in front of the Burger King kiosk terminal



It was heartwarming to see the calculations.