법무부 온라인민원서비스 100% summary of how to use the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service, meeting with a lawyer, visiting a prison, and registering eligible inmates | sky love

법무부 온라인민원서비스I will introduce you to how to use the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service. It may be unfamiliar to you because you don’t experience it much in life. At first, I didn’t know how to use the online civil service fee service at the Ministry of Justice or when I was trying to do it, such as meeting people.

I will resolve your concerns based on the inconveniences I have experienced. The domestic Ministry of Justice has created a service to handle civil complaints as conveniently as possible. Let’s find out how to use it easily and conveniently.
table of contents
We will inform you about SIS, where you can easily file complaints related to the Ministry of Justice online, so please do not go through the hassle and difficulty of going to the court anymore.

We will introduce you to the Ministry of Justice and how to make a reservation for a visit or interview online.
1. When you go to the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service website, click the civil complaint application and issuance button at the top of the screen and select the reservation menu.

2. On the login and inmate inquiry screen, fill in the required items and click the next inquiry and fill out application button.

3. Enter the required items on the application form and select the Next, Select Available Reservation Dates button.

4. In the interview date selection screen, enter the required items and then select Next, then complete the interview reservation.

The overall process for requesting an interview with a lawyer is similar to the above procedure.

1. On the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service, select the main menu >> Complaint application and issuance >> Target management.

2. Select Register on the target list screen

3. Enter the necessary information on the target registration screen and then click Register.

So far, we have talked about how to use the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service and various services. We hope that you will not have any difficulties with court administration in the future and that you will be able to use it online from the comfort of your home.
Thank you for reading until the end and we will continue to try to introduce good information. thank you
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