변비 직빵 푸룬주스 Constipation direct bread Olive Young Purun Deep Water Purun juice My money is made in Korea

My friends go to the bathroom often in the morning

I can’t go to the bathroom with gas on 변비 직빵 푸룬주스


As you get older

Constipation often gets worse

I’m constipated, too

I was looking for food that was constipated

I heard that Purun is good


That’s why I bought deep water purun juice


I thought it would be better than constipation medicine since it’s food, so I bought it to eat it

변비 직빵 푸룬주스



Looking at the ingredient list

13g sugar

It has 62 grams of carbohydrates

It has too much sugar in it

I’m a little worried about eating on an empty stomach

My blood sugar is going to go up

Come to think of it

I drink incredibly sweet juice on an empty stomach

=> Soaring blood sugar






So when I searched it

Diabetes patients with constipation drink a lot, too

Let’s have a drink

Looking at the post that it fell to 146 -> 163 -> 104. lol

I don’t want to eat this








It could be full of gas

It’s actually very gas-filled

Don’t eat it on important days


I bought it at Costco

Compare the size with Sun Sweet Purun Juice

The amount of furun in it is similar

Deep Water Purun juice has more additives

It’s lactulose












A sudden drop in blood sugar. I heard that the spike in blood sugar is not that good

To relieve constipation

I don’t know if I’m going to give up my blood sugar

I had so many thoughts


In conclusion, I can’t give up blood sugar

I’ve agreed to eat before meals even if I’m on an empty stomach

Or by drinking water


I’ll drink what I bought when I’m in a hurry

I conclude by repurchasing dried furun!


If it’s not blood sugar, I want to drink it every day

Price pressure and calories and sugar pressure!!!!!


That was Taylor Purun Deepwater review

I’ll use it as a medicine for constipation

Olive Young, please lower the amount of deep water






Also review sun sweet puroon juice purchased from Costco!


For your information, it didn’t have any effect




The reason why Purun Deepwater has diarrhea is because

I think it’s because of lactulose

Sun-sweet doesn’t have a special taste

Above all, it doesn’t work well for constipation, so I won’t repurchase it!!