부모급여 신청방법 Find out how to apply for 2023 Parental Benefit and the required documents.

부모급여 신청방법It’s getting harder and harder to raise children.
If you can get government subsidies,
Getting it is very helpful in parenting
I can say that it is.

Newly introduced from 2023
How to apply for parental benefits
together in today’s post
I want to find out 🙂
In order to apply for parental benefits, you must first find out what the parental benefits are.
This has been covered in detail in the post below, so if you are curious about the conceptual part, you can refer to the post below. ^^
2023.01.03 – [Society] – Find out about parental benefits for 2023 Duplication of parental leave with retroactive application

Source: pixabay

Parents’ benefits that can be applied retrospectively!
You can apply for parental benefits online or offline in the most convenient way for you.
Let’s take a closer look at the details below.

You can apply for parental benefits online from one of the websites below.
– Welfare Road homepage
– Government 24 website

First of all, I would like to look at how to apply for welfare on the homepage together 🙂
How to apply for Parental Benefits STEP 1: Access the Welfare Lo website and search for ‘Parents’ Benefits’ in the search bar!
Source: Welfare Road homepage

How to apply for parental benefits STEP 2: After clicking ‘Online Application’, click parental benefits (cash) below!
Source: Welfare Road homepage

How to apply for parental benefits STEP 3: Choose a method that is convenient for you from financial certificate/simple authentication/joint certificate and proceed with the application.

You can apply for parental benefits offline by visiting the Administrative Welfare Center or Community Service Center in the jurisdiction of your resident registration.
In the case of offline application, you need to bring the required documents in advance, but you can reduce the hassle of going back and forth more than once.
The following documents are required when applying for parental benefits.
– Identification (resident registration card, passport, driver’s license, etc.)
– Copy of bankbook
– Application for social security benefit (application for integrated maternity service can be used)
– Documents confirming guardian status

For reference, a representative can also apply for parental benefits. However, please note that you must bring the power of attorney required for proxy application, a copy of the guardian’s ID card, and the agent’s ID card.

The parental benefit application process is the same both online and offline.
Initial consultation and service application > Integrated investigation and review of target person > Confirmation of target person > Receipt of objection > Service support.

You can apply for the parental benefit (cash) service at Welfare Road from 9:00 am on Wednesday, January 4, 2023, so please refer to this point and hope for a smooth application.
I hope everyone has a happy year, and I will end today’s post ^^
*This post is not an invitation to apply for a grant. We simply provide you with relevant information only.
Use of this information is at the reader’s own risk.*

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