사업자 등록번호 조회 Business registration number inquiry

A business registration number is a unique business number used to indicate a business or to use in commercial transactions, and is assigned by the National Tax Service for management of income tax and corporate tax. This number is mandatory on tax invoices or receipts, and it is to make taxation easier.

사업자 등록번호 조회

The business registration number is composed of certain rules.

The first 3 digits represent the code for the National Tax Service and each tax office. 사업자 등록번호 조회 

The middle two digits distinguish between individuals and corporations,

4 out of 5 last digits is registration (designated date), 좋은뉴스

The last number is the verification number.


From now on, let’s see how to look up business registration number.



Business Registration Number Search Financial Supervisory Service Electronic Disclosure System
Business registration number inquiry can be easily done through the electronic disclosure system provided by the Financial Supervisory Service.

When searching the electronic disclosure system, you can check not only the business registration number, but also the representative name, corporation classification, corporation registration number, address, and item code.


The Electronic Disclosure System (DART: Data Analysis Retrieval & Transfer System) is a comprehensive corporate disclosure system that allows listed corporations to review public disclosure documents online, and users can view them online.

Search for the Electronic Disclosure System of the Financial Supervisory Service on the search portal.


After accessing the electronic disclosure system provided by the Financial Supervisory Service, enter the company name in ‘Comprehensive Disclosure Search’ and select Search.


As an example, let’s search for ‘Samsung Electronics’.

If you enter Samsung Electronics and select Search, you can search for companies subject to disclosure at the bottom.

Select the company you wish to search for.


If you select a company for which you want to inquire business registration number from companies subject to disclosure, you can check various information about the company as follows.


Taking Samsung Electronics as an example, we have looked at how to search for business registration numbers.

Corporate information other than the information provided by the electronic disclosure system is available through Hometax.


Business Registration Number Search Hometax
If you have previously checked your business registration number in the Financial Supervisory Service’s electronic disclosure system, you can check various information such as whether you are a general taxpayer, whether you are a simple taxpayer, or whether your business is closed through your business registration number at Hometax.


After accessing Hometax, select ‘Inquiry/Issuance’ from the top menu, and proceed with ‘Inquiry by Business Registration Number’ in the ‘Business Status’ shortcut menu.


After selecting inquiry by business registration number, enter ‘business registration number’ -> select ‘Search’ to check the tax type and business status (continued/suspended/closed) of the business.


If ‘This business registration number is not registered with the National Tax Service’ is displayed during inquiry, it means that it is not registered with the National Tax Service.

So far, we have learned how to look up business registration numbers.