생애주기별 건강검진 검사항목 및 대상자 유형과 비용 Health check-up items by life cycle, types of subjects and costs

National Health Examination Lifecycle Subjects and Inspection Items
생애주기별 건강검진
National health checkup is a national welfare system that helps health insurance subscribers to maintain and improve their health, detect diseases quickly and take appropriate measures at an early stage to protect their health. It is also a preventive policy that can minimize human and economic losses caused by diseases at the national level. Did you forget to take a health checkup this year? If you are eligible, no cost is incurred, so please check the timing carefully to receive a health checkup.

생애주기별 건강검진

1. National Health Examination Subjects, Inquiry Method

Eligible persons for national health checkup include employee subscribers, local household heads, household members and dependents over the age of 20, and recipients of medical benefits between the ages of 19 and 65. It is conducted once every two years, and it is easy to check whether you are eligible for the health checkup. If you were born in an even-numbered year, you must receive a health checkup in an even-numbered year, and if you were born in an odd-numbered year, you are eligible for a health checkup in an odd-numbered year. For example, if you were born in 2002, you are eligible for a health checkup in 2022. In addition, you can access the website of the National Health Insurance Corporation to inquire if you are eligible.


In general, if you are selected as a subject for health checkup, a health checkup ticket will be sent to your resident registration address. Only employee subscribers will be notified to their workplace. In the case of office workers, if you do not receive a health checkup, both the employer and the employee may be fined for negligence, so please do not forget to take it.


2. Types of health checkups by life cycle
By age group, there are infant health checkups and oral checkups for infants and toddlers up to the age of 5, student health checkups and oral checkups for school children between the ages of 6 and 18, and general and cancer checkups for adults over 19 years of age. Medical benefit life transition period examinations are conducted for the elderly aged 65 or older.

2-1. Health Checkup for Infants and Toddlers
Health checkups for infants are conducted seven times a year at 4 months, 9 months, 18 months, 30 months, 42 months, 54 months, and 66 months. Inspection items are to check if they are growing well according to their age, in the order of medical examination and examination, body measurement, developmental evaluation and consultation, and health education and consultation. In the first check-up, since the baby is too young to evaluate the development, the doctor’s examination is detailed and safety education is added to parents, such as prevention of sudden infant death syndrome. In the case of infant check-ups, medical examinations and examinations are conducted in a similar way, but the developmental evaluation items are different in each round.

2-2. student health checkup
Health checkups for students are conducted during adolescence to check for early detection of growth abnormalities. In the case of students attending school, it is conducted over a total of 4 times: 1st grade, 4th grade, 1st grade, and 1st grade. For non-students who do not attend school, it is conducted once every three years.

2-3. Health checkup for adults
In the case of adult health checkups, they are divided according to age group, and the checkup cycle is once every two years, and once a year for non-office workers. Including cancer screening, high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, known as adult diseases, and liver levels are checked, and health checkups are conducted for each life cycle to prevent them in advance. Learn more about adult health checkup items in the article below.

2022 Health Insurance Corporation Notice
3. National health examination inspection items
3-1. General Health Checkup Items
In the case of general health checkups among adult national health checkups, diagnosis and consultation, body measurement (height, weight, waist circumference, body mass index), vision and hearing test, blood pressure measurement, chest X-ray, blood test (hemoglobin, fasting blood sugar, total cholesterol, HDL/LDL cholesterol, triglyceride, liver function test), urine test (urine protein), and oral examination are performed. In addition, depending on gender/age, hepatitis B test, bone density test, mental health test, physical function test for the elderly, cognitive function disorder test, and lifestyle assessment are performed together.

3-2. Cancer screening test items
Cancer is a frightening disease that can threaten life, but it can be easily treated if detected early through regular checkups. Cancer is unlikely to be detected by testing in healthy people. In addition, if abnormal findings are found in cancer screening, additional tests are required, and in many cases, additional tests do not result in cancer. For this reason, cancer screening is only recommended when a clear benefit from screening has been established. Korea is implementing a screening program for five major cancers (stomach cancer, colorectal cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, and cervical cancer) for all citizens, and screening subjects for stomach, liver, colon, breast, lung and cervical cancer are determined according to age or gender. there is. Women are required to undergo cervical cancer screening every 22 years from their 20s, and other cancers such as stomach cancer from their 40s.


Gastric endoscopy is performed for the purpose of preventing gastric cancer, which ranks first among the cancer rates in Korea. After the age of 40, gastroscopy is performed every 2 years.


Colonoscopy and fecal occult blood test are performed every year for adults over 50 years of age to prevent colorectal cancer, and are recommended from 45 years of age or older.


Liver cancer screening is diagnosed with abdominal ultrasonography and serum alpha-fetoprotein test. Because it is an organ that progresses without pain, it is recommended for people diagnosed with liver cirrhosis regardless of age, family history of liver cirrhosis, and hepatitis B or C virus over 40 years of age.


Lung examination was conducted from the second half of 2019 on a high-risk group with a long-term smoking history (55-74 years old, 30 pack-years [pack-year = average cigarette consumption per day (pack) × smoking (pack) × period (years)] or smokers with a history of smoking more than 30 pack-years and quit smoking). Lung cancer screening is conducted for people who have lived for 15 years or less). For lung health, an annual CTCT scan is recommended.

​In the case of women, mammography and cervical cytology are performed every two years for breast cancer screening for women over 40 years of age and cervical cancer screening for women over 20 years of age.

3-3. Medical benefit life transition period checkup
Medical benefit life transition period checkups are eligible for medical care recipients aged 66 or older every two years. Common items include examination, counseling, height, weight, waist circumference, body mass index, eyesight, hearing, depression, lifestyle assessment, and elderly physical function tests to observe cognitive function and fall risk. Carotid artery ultrasound, cardiac CT, cerebrovascular MRI, etc. Echocardiography and cerebrovascular examination are performed to prevent cardiovascular diseases that may occur due to narrowing of blood vessels. If you have high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, etc., it is good to see it periodically through checkups. Bone density test is performed on women aged 66 years.



So far, we have learned about health checkups by life cycle. You should be familiar with the precautions such as fasting time notified by the medical institution the day before the health checkup and get tested. Since the burden of cost may vary, please contact the representative number of the National Health Insurance Corporation at 1577-1000.