성인 ADHD 증상 If you lose things easily and have difficulty concentrating on work… “You should suspect adult ADHD”: Donga Science

성인 ADHD 증상In the case of adult ADHD, it is not easy to become self-aware as one adapts to one’s own behavior over time, so it is often not treated. Especially if you were diagnosed with ADHD as a child, it is important to receive ongoing confirmation and treatment. With the help of Professor Ji-Hyuk Ji of the Department of Psychiatry at Korea University Guro Hospital, we summarized the characteristics and treatments of adult ADHD.

● ADHD symptoms, ‘attention deficit, impulsivity, hyperactivity’

According to the ‘Domestic ADHD Treatment Status Analysis Results’ published by the National Health Insurance Corporation, the number of domestic ADHD patients nearly doubled from 53,056 in 2017 to 102,322 in 2021.

ADHD is a type of neurodevelopmental disease that is caused by abnormalities in the circuitry and development of specific parts of the brain. Symptoms usually begin in childhood and become noticeable at school age. In general, symptoms tend to decrease as one approaches adulthood.

ADHD symptoms can be broadly divided into three categories: inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. Among these, attention deficit occurs as a symptom of inability to concentrate on a task and lack of attention. Impulsivity and hyperactivity manifest themselves as restlessness, fidgeting, or inability to remain quiet even in places or situations where one is expected to remain quiet.

● Most adult ADHD patients show symptoms of attention deficit.

If symptoms persist despite reaching adulthood, it is called adult ADHD. In the case of adult ADHD, impulsivity and hyperactivity are not as pronounced compared to childhood, so it is not easy to become aware of it.

The most prominent symptom is attention deficit. In the case of adults, there are many cases where a task does not come to fruition until a long time later, but adult ADHD patients may have difficulty studying or working because they seek immediate satisfaction in the process of waiting. Also, even in the same situation, emotional ups and downs can be severe, causing problems in interpersonal relationships.

● ADHD treatment should be carried out simultaneously with medication and cognitive behavioral therapy.

ADHD treatment can be divided into drug treatment and non-drug treatment. In the case of drug treatment, drugs of the ‘methylphenidate’ and ‘atomoxetine’ series are used. In the case of non-pharmacological treatment, cognitive behavioral therapy can be tried. Since the two treatments have different areas, it is best to treat them in parallel.

ADHD is not a life-affecting disease, but it can reduce quality of life throughout life. High impulsivity and low attention spans can make it difficult to achieve high levels of achievement in achieving goals and can cause problems in interpersonal relationships. Because of this, additional diseases such as depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, and impulse control disorder may occur.

Suhyuk Ji, a professor of psychiatry at Korea University Guro Hospital, said, “If you just wait and think things will get better, you may miss the timing for treatment, so if you suspect ADHD, it is important to consult with a specialist to receive treatment and ongoing management.”

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