스마트스토어 양도양수 How to apply for smart store transfer Transfer between family members

Smart Store, which has emerged as a representative side business, has become more stringent in terms of transfer and acquisition.

Transferring a smart store between completely unrelated people is possible only when the transferor closes the business.


On the other hand, in the following cases, it is only possible for family members.


When an individual selling member converts to a business, the relevant business registration number is already registered.
When an individual selling member converts to a business, the representative is different.
When only the representative of an individual business is changed without changing the business number

Documents to be submitted for transfer between family members

· [Common] 1 copy of the business transfer approval request form
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스마트스토어 양도양수

1. 1 copy of personal/corporate seal certificate
(Individuals/simple businesses can replace the representative’s signature confirmation certificate, issued within the last 3 months)


2. Family relationship certificate


스마트스토어 양도양수

1. 1 copy of personal/corporate seal certificate

(Individuals/simple businesses can replace the representative’s signature confirmation certificate, issued within the last 3 months)


2. One copy of a bankbook in the name of the representative (or business) or corporation (account opening confirmation can be replaced with the online bankbook cover)
3. 1 copy of business registration certificate (issued within the last 1 year)
4. 1 copy of mail order business report


Where to submit smart store transfer and acquisition documents

Submit documents through 1:1 inquiry at the customer center at the bottom of Smart Store



Smart Store Customer Center

Where to submit documents for smart store transfer and transfer

Basically, only one smart store can be operated per business. To operate two, three-month sales must exceed 8 million won and there must be no penalty. It may be difficult for a novice seller to generate 8 million won in sales in 3 months.

To open another smart store, it is also possible to open a smart store in the name of a family member and receive transfer and transfer as above. In some cases, transfer and transfer may not be possible, so careful consideration must be given when opening.