쏘카 이용방법 How to use Socar, usage fee TIP (must read insurance-related precautions!!) – World Easy Blog

쏘카 이용방법1) A thorough vehicle inspection is required before using the vehicle
Before using Socar, you must carefully check whether there are any defects in the vehicle. Taking pictures of the exterior of the vehicle is the basic of the basics, and you need to check the condition of the tire wear, black box, audio, and engine. If you use the vehicle without inspecting it in advance, you can use the dump after a problem occurs. If there is a problem after checking the vehicle, you must call the customer center and request a vehicle change.

*Simple way to check engine condition*
First of all, you need to check if the following warning lights are on. And it’s good to do a simple engine oil check. There is a yellow bar while opening the bonnet. You can simply check the engine oil by pulling out this yellow bar. If the oil has turned black, the life of the oil is over, and if the oil coming out of the bar is lower than L, the engine oil is insufficient.

Warning lights to check when inspecting the engine room

2) Absolutely no smoking in the vehicle
If smoking is caught in the Socar vehicle, a penalty (10,000 won) and an indoor car wash fee will be imposed. The cost of indoor car wash varies depending on the vehicle, but it can be seen as over 100,000 won. In addition, 200,000 credits are provided to those who report smoking in Socar vehicles, so there is always a risk that someone will report it. Smoking inside the vehicle is strictly prohibited.

3) Return after charging 10% of electric car
In the case of an electric car, you must charge more than 10% of the electricity before returning it. Otherwise, you will have to pay the penalty (10,000 won) and any future expenses incurred due to non-charging.

The fee for using Socar varies depending on various conditions such as vehicle type, day/time, peak season/off-peak season, etc.
– Payment before boarding
– Payment fee upon return
In addition, if you use Socar Passport membership, you should check carefully as discount benefits vary according to various conditions such as day and time.
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As the number of single-person households increases and the perception of cars changes, more and more people use Socar. There are more and more Soca zones, so in the case of Seoul and Gyeonggi, if you can, there is a Soca zone within 5 minutes on foot.
And in addition, you should pay attention to the following points.
You have to be very careful when it comes to insurance. According to Article 5 of the Terms and Conditions of Socar’s Vehicle Damage Exemption System, it is stated that insurance cannot be applied if it falls under the prohibited clauses. In the case of falling under any of the following prohibitions, the entire cost of handling the accident is the responsibility of the borrower. In fact, there have been cases in which tens of millions of won in vehicle repair costs have been incurred because insurance coverage for a vehicle that was involved in an accident due to a speeding difference of 10 km/h was not covered at all. In addition, there are many cases in which full compensation for vehicle repair costs occurs due to an accident caused by a driver who is not covered by insurance.

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쏘카 이용방법
