우티 택시 사용법 Reviews of Woori Taxi Ooty

우티 택시 사용법Among the recent internet articles, why is it that I don’t get on Kakao Taxi?

I saw an interesting article called

It is Ooty, which was created jointly by T-map Taxi and Uber.

Wooti is a joint venture established in April by global mobility company Uber and T Map Mobility, a subsidiary of SK Telecom.

However, Wooti is currently the second-largest operator, but compared to Kakao, there are not enough users.

In fact, as of August this year, Kakao T has 10.16 million and Wooti has only 86 million.

The Wooti app allows you to choose your destination.

You can also select and use recently used destinations directly from below.

However, we are still using old images on the Wooti official website.
UT official website
Providing Wooti app download, introduction of service functions, customer center information

The current Wooti app consists of the following design.

If you have used Uber abroad with the same design as Uber, you can use it the same way.

And when you make a call, you will see which driver is coming, similar to Kakao T.

You can also check by phone.

The interface can be said to be similar.

But the difference is… it doesn’t come out huge. It is a difference that cannot be compared to Kakao in terms of the number of vehicles.

I just wish the benefits could be improved.

In fact, according to the article, it is said that it is not used much due to the inconvenient user environment.

Like the article, this did not catch the address well. The driver also said that the address came out strangely.

Other than that, after boarding, it’s similar to any other app.

You can also send your current trip to a friend or acquaintance by tapping Share Journey Status while on the go.

With this function, you can go home more safely.

In fact, there are many regrets in the basic part.

It’s a pity that Kakao T has a lot more vehicles and a more intuitive interface.

In fact, if a friend next to me calls Kakao T and I call UT, Kakao T comes first with a probability of more than 90%… ㅠㅠ

Rather than monopolizing Kakao T, I think UT should be transformed into a competitive product to benefit consumers.

It still seems a little far off.

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Sooyoung Hwang
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