운송장번호 모를때 If you do not know the waybill number, you can search it directly with your mobile phone number

If you do not know the waybill number, you can search it directly with your mobile phone number
The waybill number is what you need when you want to track the delivery location of the courier you ordered or sent. However, even if you have not saved the waybill number or have forgotten it, you can easily look it up with just your mobile phone number. 운송장번호 모를때

운송장번호 모를때

How to check the courier company is troublesome 비지니스헬퍼
If you know the courier company, you can also look up the phone number from each courier company, but it is true that you have to sign up for a membership to look it up once. It is even easier if you use a delivery tracking app that allows you to search integrated courier information without going through a courier company.

courier box and knife
When you don’t know the waybill number, let’s look it up with the app
There are two typical applications that can be searched with only a mobile phone number without knowing the waybill number: Courier Finder and Delivery Keeper. Both apps support Android and iPhone, and it is a system that allows you to track delivery by KakaoTalk messenger and text message information sent from the courier company. It doesn’t matter which one you use, so use whatever you’re comfortable with.

Delivery Keeper
After installing the Delivery Keeper app, you need to register as a member. You can easily sign up as a member because it is easy to log in with KakaoTalk integration. After logging in, click the three-line icon in the top left corner and click the gear button. If you link your phone number, you will automatically get the invoice number data currently being delivered.

Delivery Tracking App Delivery Keeper
Delivery Tracking App Delivery Keeper
Delivery Tracking App Delivery Keeper
courier finder
Courier Finder is similar to Delivery Keeper. After installing the Courier Finder app, sign up through member authentication and mobile phone authentication. Touch the + menu on the bottom right and select [Restore shipping information]. Then, the past courier information is imported up to the last 3 months.

Delivery Tracking App Courier Finder
Delivery Tracking App Courier Finder
Delivery Tracking App Courier Finder
courier available for inquiry
In Delivery Keeper and Courier Finder, you can search most of the courier companies such as CJ Logistics, Post Office Courier, Hanjin Courier, Lotte Courier, Rosen Courier, Kyungdong Courier, DHL, etc., as well as GS Convenience Store Courier and CU Convenience Store Courier. However, not all couriers are supported, so some couriers may not be able to inquire. (Almost all Korean couriers are available, and there are places where overseas waybill cannot be checked.)

A courier truck and courier boxes piled on top of a mobile phone
For your reference, in Delivery Keeper or Courier Finder, you can view delivery information automatically in real time as well as delivery inquiries when you do not know the waybill number, and you can get various information about delivery, such as delivery reservations, delivery points, and delivery specifications.


If you install the app on this opportunity and automatically receive shipping information, you can search on your own even if you don’t know the waybill number, so I’m using it conveniently. Delivery Keeper has no advertisements, so it can be used more comfortably, and Delivery Finder has advertisements, but it is good to see previous delivery information. Please use it in a way you like more and enjoy the pleasure of delivery.