음주운전 신고 포상금 “Up to 50,000 won per incident” Jeju implements drunk driving reporting reward system from September < General Society < Society < Text of article - Voice of Jeju

음주운전 신고 포상금The Jeju Police Agency announced on the 22nd that it will hold a second report on the implementation plan for the drunk driving reporting reward system at the Jeju Autonomous Police Committee on the 23rd. The implementation date is expected to be early September.
The drunk driving reporting reward system is a system that pays differential rewards of 50,000 won when reporting drunk driving behavior at the level of license revocation and 30,000 won when reporting drunk driving behavior at the level of license suspension. However, to prevent paparazzi reporting, payment will not be made if it exceeds 5 times a year.
The drunk driving reporting reward system was already implemented in Jeju Island for the first time in the country in 2012. At that time, payments ranged from 100,000 won to 300,000 won depending on the blood alcohol level. However, as more than 700 reports were received in about 3 months, the budget was exhausted early, and it was discontinued after 6 months.
In Jeju, seven people were killed in a rental car drunk driving accident on the Aewol coastal road in Jeju City in July last year, and this accident led to the introduction of the drunk driving reporting reward system again.
On April 18, the Health, Welfare and Safety Committee of the Jeju Provincial Council held the first meeting of the 415th Extraordinary Meeting and passed the amendment to the ‘Ordinance on Jeju Provincial Autonomous Police Affairs and Autonomous Police Committee Operation, etc.’ submitted by Jeju Provincial Government as originally proposed.
However, ahead of implementation, voices within the Jeju Police Agency are raising concerns about a ‘vacancy in security.’ There is an opinion that if the reward system is implemented, the number of reports of suspected drunk driving will increase significantly, currently averaging 15 cases per day.
An official from the Jeju Police Agency said, “80% of reports of suspected drunk driving are mistaken, and if a reward system is introduced, the number of reports will increase significantly and police power will be wasted.” He added, “We are already receiving a lot of inquiries about how to receive a reward.” .
He also said, “When drunk driving, which is a mobile crime, is reported, ‘Code Zero (0)’ must be issued and dispatched immediately, but if police personnel are focused on cracking down on drunk driving, it may be difficult to immediately respond to other crimes.”
At the same time, he suggested an alternative, saying, “In order to alleviate the security gap, we need to establish a 24-hour cooperation system with the Jeju Autonomous Police.”
On the other hand, some say it is a premature worry. Already, 5,000 to 6,000 cases of suspected drunk driving are reported each year, and even if the reward system is implemented, there is no guarantee that the number of reports will increase significantly.
For this reason, the Jeju Autonomous Police Committee is in the position of supplementing improvements after implementation. An official from the Autonomous Police Commission said, “We have submitted the ordinance in consultation with the Jeju Police Agency since last year,” and added, “There were no reports of an explosion in reports even when it was implemented in 2012, so we think it is right to resolve the problem after the system is implemented.”
He also said, “Because the autonomous police can only work until 10 p.m., 24-hour cooperation is impossible,” and “I understand that the Jeju Police Agency and the autonomous police are discussing ways to cooperate.”

음주운전 신고 포상금
