임신테스트기 희미한 두줄 Two faint lines at the risk of death, how to deal with it – The Mom Story

임신테스트기 희미한 두줄For those who are desperately waiting for pregnancy, the two faint lines on a pregnancy test are truly heartbreaking.
Have you ever squinted like a magic eye and stared at your pregnancy lines for a long time?
Let’s learn about the principles of pregnancy tests and what to do when two faint lines appear.

A pregnancy test is the easiest and fastest way to check if you are pregnant.
You can determine whether you are pregnant by looking at the reaction that occurs after applying HCG hormone, a pregnancy hormone that is excreted through urine in the early stages of pregnancy, on a urine absorbent stick.
However, since the amount of HCG, a pregnancy hormone, in the very early stages of pregnancy varies greatly depending on individual differences, the test itself may have some inaccuracies.
It is best to do this 2 weeks after your period is due or 2 weeks after your last sexual intercourse.
Because the amount of HCG hormone may vary depending on the individual, if you are anxious about waiting two weeks or want to check if you are pregnant sooner, you can visit an obstetrician and gynecologist to take a blood test.
The principle of a pregnancy test is to determine pregnancy by measuring the concentration of HCG hormone, which is secreted only by the body of a pregnant person.
The product also states that the results after 10 minutes of using the pregnancy test are not included in the decision.
However, if there are two faint lines, it is highly likely that you are pregnant.
The reason it appears faint is likely due to the low concentration of the hcg hormone. If you want more detailed results, you should test again the next day with a different product, right?
However, if you simply think that since you tried product A, you should try product B this time, NO~NO~
Since there are many products that are different but from the same manufacturer, try testing one more time with a product from a different manufacturer than the product itself.

– In case of improper storage
If the pregnancy test expires or is left at room temperature after opening, the urine absorption stick is contaminated or the reagent portion is oxidized.
– If the method of use is incorrect
If you do not urinate sufficiently or soak the urine absorbent stick for longer than the recommended time.
– In case of natural extinction (miscarriage)
As stated in pregnancy tests, one-third of conceptions are lost naturally.
If you have a spontaneous miscarriage, you may not actually be pregnant, but a test may show that you are.
– Ectopic pregnancy
– Testing too early
If you take the test two weeks before your last sexual intercourse or much earlier than the expected date of your period, you may see two faint lines even though you are pregnant due to a low concentration of the HCG hormone, so make sure you take the test on the correct date.
In most cases, pregnancy can be diagnosed 2 weeks after the first sexual intercourse or 2 weeks after the expected menstruation date. The most accurate diagnosis is made with the first urine upon an empty stomach after waking up in the morning.
There are many factors that can cause two faint lines on a pregnancy test, but it can be said that there is a high probability that you are pregnant.
If you want to know more accurate results, be sure to visit an obstetrician and gynecologist and receive treatment.
Surprisingly, many people have experienced two faint lines on a pregnancy test.
For some, it may be joyful news of pregnancy, but for others, it may be an unwelcome pregnancy. Those two faint lines around the pregnancy are really heartbreaking, right?
A close friend of mine succeeded in becoming pregnant a few months ago, but she complained, not complaining, saying that she felt like she had taken five pregnancy tests in three months.
It is said that in cases where there is not only two faint lines on a pregnancy test, but also one line but no menstruation, it may disappear naturally.
To find out the exact cause, visit an obstetrician/gynecologist.
Now that I think about it, I haven’t received any obstetrics/gynecology treatment since I gave birth.
I know I need to get tested regularly, but taking care of myself while raising a child always takes a backseat.
It’s not like anyone will notice it later, so it’s sad when you get sick. Moms, let’s take care of ourselves while we’re healthy.
About the Author
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