2024 전국민 일상지원금 신청방법 How to apply for the 2024 National Daily Support Fund

Have you ever heard of the National Daily Support Fund? It is a system that everyone can receive support from, but it is unfortunate that there are many cases where people do not receive support because they do not know about it. So today, we will learn more about the national daily support fund and how to apply.

Thumbnail of daily support funds for all citizens
National Daily Life Support Fund

전국민 일상지원금

전국민 일상지원금


Check my daily support amount
National Daily Life Support Fund




A family of four is watching the sunset at the beach.
A family of four is having fun holding each other’s hands.
National Daily Life Support Fund
What is the National Daily Support Fund?
The national daily support fund is a system where the government provides cash support to ease the economic burden of the people and promote consumption. Each person can receive up to 350,000 won.

The national daily support fund is implemented in the form of the government paying the same lump sum to all citizens without discrimination.



A mother is holding her baby and her baby is smiling brightly.
Her older brother kissing his younger sister on the cheek
National Daily Life Support Fund
Eligibility to apply for national daily support fund
Eligibility conditions for applying for the national daily support subsidy are determined by income level based on the health insurance premium calculation standard, and the amount of support may vary depending on income ranking.

The lower your income, the more subsidies you can receive, and people in the bottom 20% of the median income receive priority support.


Subsidy based on income level (%)
1st quartile (30%) 350,000 won
2nd quintile (50%) 300,000 won
3rd quartile (70%) 250,000 won
4th quartile (80%) 200,000 won
5th percentile (90%) 150,000 won
6th quartile (100%) 100,000 won

Check the median income table
National Daily Life Support Fund




Portrait of a person looking for something on a laptop
person signing a document
National Daily Life Support Fund
How to apply for national daily support fund
You can apply for the National Daily Support Fund both online and offline.

-Offline application method: Bring your ID and visit the nearest community center to apply.

– How to apply online: Go to the Government 24 or Welfare website and apply after verifying your identity.