종합미용면허증 Is it possible to meet the credit bank system as a condition for issuance of a comprehensive cosmetology license? : Learning planner Park Se-jin

종합미용면허증Is it possible to meet the credit bank system as a condition for issuance of a comprehensive cosmetology license?

Hello, this is Sejin Park, a learning planner.
Our country is also called the nation of style!

How to decorate your appearance with hair, skin, nails, and makeup
They are broadly classified and certifications exist for each field.

What you need to start a beauty shop today
I would like to tell you how to obtain a cosmetologist’s license (comprehensive cosmetology license).

1. What is your hairdresser’s license?
A cosmetologist’s license consists of hair, skin, nails, and makeup.
You can be recognized as an expert in four fields.

Two or more areas among hair, skin, nails, and makeup
In order to start and operate a multi-shop,
You must have a comprehensive cosmetology license.

2. Conditions for issuance of comprehensive beauty license

The conditions for issuance of a comprehensive cosmetology license are as follows.
If you purely acquire certification, you will be able to do so in four areas:
It takes a long time and time to obtain a national technical certification.

Or, to enter a college or university in a beauty-related field.
If you are short on time
We recommend obtaining a beauty degree through the Credit Bank System.

3. Credit Bank System Cosmetology

The Credit Bank System is a lifelong education system managed by the Ministry of Education.
Online classes using computers and mobile phones
The advantage is that you can take classes easily.

Through this, you can earn a degree with the credits you have earned!
The degree is awarded in the name of the Minister of Education and is equivalent to a degree from a general college/university.
There is no disadvantage or discrimination as it is recognized as an equivalent degree.

One of the conditions for issuing a comprehensive cosmetology license
We provide guidance to those who have graduated from a college in the beauty field.

4. How to obtain an associate degree
Credit Bank System: 3 credits per subject, 24 credits per semester (8 subjects)
You can take up to 42 credits (14 subjects) through lectures per year.

[High school graduate]
In order to obtain an associate’s degree through the Credit Bank System,
You must have a total of 80 credits, including 45 credits in major and 15 credits in liberal arts.

For high school graduates, to obtain 0 to 80 credits
If you take the online course, it will take 4 semesters (2 years).

The Credit Bank System is a program that can be recognized as credits in addition to lectures.
The period can be shortened to three semesters (one and a half years) through a certificate and self-study degree system.

[College and university graduates]
If you have a 2-year or higher degree
You can obtain a degree in another major through the Credit Bank System.

Associate degree (other major) – 36 credits / Bachelor’s degree (other major) – 48 credits
Requires major credits of 36 and 48 respectively.
If you are pursuing an associate’s degree (other major)
You can receive a degree in the field of cosmetology in just two semesters (one year).

5. Learning Planner Sejin Park
The exact process of the Credit Bank System schedule and
We provide lecture schedules and reference materials.

This will allow you to complete the course more easily and accurately.
We are helping you a lot!

The consultation is free and there are no costs.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

Learning planner Park Se-jin
Contact: 010-8939-2016 | Email: rnlduadlxkdl@naver.com
Address: 90 Seongsui-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul
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