주민등록등본 인터넷발급 방법 How to issue a resident registration certificate online

There are many cases where a copy of resident registration is issued for various reasons, but the cases in which a copy of resident registration is required are relatively small. As a result, there are some people who are not familiar with the copy of resident registration. I also thought that the name before the name change was a copy, but it is said to contain more diverse information. Well, today we are going to learn about the difference between a copy of resident registration and an abstract, and how to issue one.

주민등록등본 인터넷발급

주민등록등본 인터넷발급

Copy of resident registration
A copy of resident registration is prepared according to each individual’s resident registration table. Changes in the individual’s personal information, address changes (change of head of household, change in administrative district, move in, etc.), and military service information for those with military service obligations are also listed. In other words, it is the records from the individual’s birth registration to the present.


Differences from resident registration certificate
A copy of resident registration is prepared for each household, not for each individual. In other words, the name of the householder is listed at the top, and it contains information about one household, such as current address, reason and date of household composition, relationship between household members and householder, household member name and resident registration number, household member move-in date, and cohabitants.

Issuance method
Online: Government 24 / Fee free
Offline: City, county, district/eup, myeon, dong office / Fee 400 won per copy / Unmanned issuance machine 200 won per copy

1. Online issuance is available through the government office 24. Online issuance can only be done by the person in question and can be issued through simple authentication, financial certificate, etc. After accessing Government 24, click Resident Registration Copy (Extract) on the main screen. If it is not on the main screen, enter it in the search bar.



2. When you click the Resident Registration Copy (Extract) menu, a window will appear as shown below. In the second box, select the abstract and the address on your resident registration. Afterwards, you can select the person to whom it is issued, either you or a member of another household. If you select another household member, the household members listed on your resident registration certificate will appear.

When I click on other household members and press OK, my husband and daughter appear.

Issuance of resident registration copy
Issuance of resident registration copy

3. Select the issuance type. When you press issue, all information will be displayed. You can selectively issue by checking only the items you want.

Past address changes, changes in personal information, last digits of resident registration number, military service details, name of head of household and relationship with head of household

Issuance of resident registration copy
Issuance of resident registration copy

4. Afterwards, select the receipt method and click ‘Submit complaint’ to complete the issuance of the transcript. When issued, you can receive it by registered or regular mail.

Issuance of resident registration copy
Issuance of resident registration copy

Is it possible to issue a copy of my child’s resident registration?
: Only copies of copies of household members (children) included in the same resident registration certificate can be issued. If a parent issues a transcript for a young child, the parent’s information can be used when logging in and authenticating, and the child’s information can be entered in the issuance target field.

Issuance of resident registration abstract by proxy
: The applicant or a household member can apply for issuance of a copy of resident registration. However, if there is a delegation from the person or a household member, a third party (interested person) can also apply.

If your military service record is missing
If you select to display all military service information, the date of enlistment, branch/specialty, rank, reason for discharge, unit name, date of discharge, etc. are displayed. Since the data is provided from the Military Manpower Administration server, if there is any part of your military service record that is not confirmed, contact the Military Manpower Administration. They say you have to do it.