청년내일채움공제 신청방법 및 자격요건 How to apply for Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction and Qualifications

Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction Qualifications and How to Apply청년내일채움공제 신청방법

Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction is a system that young people, companies, and the government jointly accumulate to help young people form their early careers in SMEs, and companies secure excellent young talents to support long-term employment in SMEs. Let’s look at the qualifications for applying for the Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction, how to apply, and the amount of support.

Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction


청년내일채움공제 신청방법

Eligibility for Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction (Target)

▣ Youth

● Age: 15 to 34 years old

* For those with military experience, the participation restriction age is linked in proportion to the length of service, but the maximum age is limited to 39 years old.

​● Employment Insurance History: Those who have no history of employment insurance as of the date of employment as a full-time employee, or who have been enrolled in employment insurance for less than 12 months after graduating from the last school.

* However, short-term subscription history of less than 3 months is excluded from the total subscription period.

** Excluding broadcasting/communication/broadcasting/communication/cyber (remote university), credit bank system, night college, graduate school, etc.

● Academic background: No restrictions, but those who are currently attending high school or university or taking a leave of absence as of the date of full-time employment are excluded (expected graduates are allowed)

Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction

​▣ Enterprise

● ​Small and medium-sized enterprises in the construction and manufacturing industries that have employed between 5 and 50 average employment insurance insured persons for the three months prior to the date of full-time employment of young people subject to the deduction.
* It is judged per business owner, but when calculating the number of insured persons, business owners, daily workers, special employment workers, labor providers, artists, etc. are excluded.
** The type of business must be identified as the type of business owner (headquarters) in the employment insurance system, but if the type of business is different for each business place, it will be judged based on the type of business where the youth belongs.

Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction


How to apply for Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction

Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
The application must be signed up within 6 months of the date of full-time employment of the young person who has been approved to participate, and can be signed up on the youth deduction registration website.


Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction

You can apply by accessing the Worknet-Youth Aid website. You can fill out the required forms such as application form, consent to the collection and use of personal information, and graduation certificate. When a company applies for participation, young incumbents can search for company information and apply. If companies do not submit applications for participation, young people will not be able to apply either.

Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction

​If you apply for participation, the job center conducts a qualification screening, and it takes 14 days from the date of application and up to 28 days, so it is better to apply quickly to join the Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction. The process from application to subscription must be completed within 6 months of hiring a full-time employee.

Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction


​In order for companies and young people to sign up, please check the documents to be submitted. When young people start a new job, a certificate of completion (expected) of the last school they graduated from is required.

Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction



Contents of Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction

If the young man himself accumulates 4 million won for 2 years, the company and the government jointly accumulate 4 million won each, and after 2 years, he will receive a maturity deduction of 12 million won and +alpha. Young people can have an opportunity to build a practical career while working at the same workplace for at least two years, and after maturity, they can extend their subscription with the Naeil Fill Deduction of the Ministry of SMEs and Startups.

Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction


What is Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction?

Youth, companies, and the government each pay 4 million won for the 12 million won of Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction.

Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction

​● Youth reserve: 4 million won is accumulated for 2 years, and it is accumulated by automatic transfer from the youth account. 160,000 won for 20 months, 200,000 won for the next 4 months, and 4 million won for a total of 24 months.

● Corporate Contribution: 4 million won is accumulated over 2 years, and is automatically transferred from the corporate account and accumulated every month. As with the youth reserve, 160,000 won for 20 months and 200,000 won for 4 months thereafter, a total of 4 million won for 24 months.

● Government subsidy: 4 million won is accumulated over 2 years, and the amount varies by period. 600,000 won in the first month, 700,000 won in the 6th and 12th months, and 1 million won in the 18th and 24th months respectively.