청년주택드림청약통장 Youth Housing Dream Subscription Account Subscription Conversion Method Release Date Handling Banks Complete Summary Just look at this one.

청년주택드림청약통장Youth Housing Dream Subscription Account Subscription Conversion Method Release Date Handling Banks Completely Organized

There is already a youth-friendly subscription account system, but the income requirement for the Youth Housing Dream Subscription Account has been changed from 30 million won to 50 million won, and the requirements have been relaxed so that not only non-homeowners but also non-homeowners can apply.

Those who were unable to apply for a youth preferential subscription account because they did not meet the requirements can also apply for a youth housing dream subscription account. We recommend that you take this opportunity to find out and apply for conversion to the Youth Housing Dream Subscription Account.


The Youth Housing Dream Subscription Account is a new product launched by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport to help young people secure stable housing. It can be viewed as an upgraded version of the existing youth-friendly subscription account. For the first time in history, long-term, low-interest housing purchase funds are provided in connection with a subscription account.

Let’s learn about how to sign up for the Youth Housing Dream Subscription Account. If you meet the conditions below, you can apply for a Youth Housing Dream Subscription Account by visiting the bank with your ID card.

Let’s learn about how to convert the Youth Housing Dream Subscription Account. The existing youth-friendly subscription account will be automatically converted, and the general subscription account must be applied for conversion through the bank.

Upon conversion, the period, payment frequency, and payment amount will continue to be valid, and the Youth Housing Dream Account preferential interest rate (4.5%) will be applied to the amount paid after conversion.

Let’s find out about the release date of the Youth Housing Dream Subscription Account. The launch date of the Youth Housing Dream Subscription Account is scheduled for February next year, and the youth preferential subscription account will be automatically converted. However, if you have a general subscription account or would like to create a new subscription account, please visit the bank in time for the launch date and apply.

– Banks handling Youth Housing Dream Subscription Account: Woori, Kookmin, Nonghyup, Enterprise, Hana, Shinhan, Busan, Daegu, Gyeongnam Bank

So far, we have learned about the banks that handle the release date and how to switch to the Youth Housing Dream Subscription Account. If you are unable to apply for a youth preferential subscription account due to income restrictions, please be sure to convert. I hope this was helpful. thank you

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