카카오톡 고객센터 Kakao Talk Customer Center

KakaoTalk Messenger is installed by default these days, and there are few people who do not use it.

You can easily send and receive messages anywhere as long as there is Wi-Fi or the Internet.

This is probably the app everyone uses.

Most of the functions, such as all services and applications, are diverse and you may have questions when you use them.

is going to happen

카카오톡 고객센터

An error may occur while using the app, and there is a function, but there is

There are times when you want to ask the center

However, even when accessing the website, it is difficult to find the inquiry board or customer center number.

It can be difficult, but you can simply connect to an online chatbot or direct agent in the KakaoTalk app.

Let’s see how you can ask your questions.

Mobile Kakao Talk Contact Us

First of all, you need to run the KakaoTalk app on your smartphone screen. Go to the homepage 카카오톡 고객센터

You can find out, but you can easily contact us through the app 좋은뉴스

If you run the KakaoTalk app, you will see the KakaoTalk friend list screen like this.

If you look at the top of the page, you will see a gear-shaped setting, press it

If you press the gear-shaped setting, you will see three menus like this.

Just go to the settings menu

If you move to the settings screen like this, you can see the customer center/help menu at the bottom of the screen.

Yes, click here

If you go to the customer center screen, you will first see the Help or Contact Us section and

You can see other terms and conditions and policies or company introduction at the bottom.

You can see the help and inquiry section here. First, take a look at the help section.

I’ll pass

If you look at the help section first, you can search for questions you have, and KakaoTalk useful help

You can try to solve it by looking at the words and help by category.

If the solution is not resolved in the help section, you can move on to inquiry.

If you can’t find a solution even after looking for it, you can try using the 3 menus in Contact Us.


Excluding frequently asked questions, briefly review the Inquiry section and the Chatbot Consultation section.

I will

You can ask questions by e-mail by clicking the Inquiry section first. General

If you click on the inquiry part, you can select the appropriate question for an accurate answer.

In this way, from general inquiries to delayed or impossible message sending, Kakao account inquiries, Voice Talk and Face Talk

Ask questions about various issues such as Live Talk inquiries, Kakao TV, Kakao Search, and Open Chat.

You can get an answer

Select the appropriate question, enter a title, and ask or ask questions below

If there is content, write it

Then, enter the email address to receive a reply, and attach the file, if any.

Check the box to agree to the collection and use of personal information and click the submit inquiry button.

However, if I am tired of waiting and want to contact an agent directly, chatbot

If you go to the consultation section and raise the question bar at the bottom, one of the various examples of questions is

At the bottom, you will see a link to a counselor.

You can contact the counselor directly by clicking here. Consultation hours are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

It says 10:00 to 18:30.

Since this part is not a phone call, it is written by a person rather than an AI, so the bot

This is very helpful. If you have any questions, please ask here.