카카오톡 생일 비공개 Kakaotalk Kakao Talk Birthday Disclosure How to set it up so that it is not private and how to display birthday notifications on Kakaotalk

Hello, this is him. Today, we will have time to organize how to change the birthday disclosure on KakaoTalk, how to set it up so that it doesn’t open on KakaoTalk, and how to display birthday notifications on KakaoTalk. KakaoTalk requires a self-authentication process when you sign up. And it provides a birthday notification function with that information. It’s convenient because you don’t have to remember your friends’ birthdays, but it’s also burdensome because you don’t have only friends on your friend’s list. However, you can turn off the birthday notification and turn it on, so you can set it up and use it as you want. I’ll show you how today.

How to disclose and disclose your birthday on KakaoTalk

카카오톡 생일 비공개
Then I’ll set it up first on my birthday.

There are people who like to congratulate each other,

On the other hand, you call it your birthday,

Or if you send a gift saying congratulations,

There are times when I feel pressure for nothing.


At times like this, you can set your Kakao Talk so that your birthday doesn’t come up

It’s something you can do.

Because it’s not as difficult as you think,

You can follow the method below.

카카오톡 생일 비공개

To make Kakao Talk’s birthday public and private settings,

Press the cog on the right side of the main screen of Kakaotalk,

You need to press Full Settings.

Then, at the top,

I see a menu called Profile Management.

Please press this.

It says “birthday notification” here,

It is checked yellow.

If the button is on like in the picture

If it’s my birthday, I’ll tell my friends

You’ll get a notification.


If you press it one more time and it comes out gray,

Kakao Talk’s birthday is closed to the public.

It’s a bit burdensome, but I have to return it when I receive it

I think it would be convenient to turn it off because it’s Li.

Change your birthday on Kakao Talk

Since I’m looking at my birthday

I will also tell you how to modify your birthday date.

The self-identification information used when subscribing to KakaoTalk

My birthday is set based on that

There may be cases where it is different from your actual birthday.

That’s usually the case with adults.

It’s the same with the lunar calendar.


So even if it’s different from the first registered information

It can be modified later.

Full Settings > From Kakao Account

You can correct it again accurately.

In the Kakao account

You can press <Manage My Information>.

And please choose <Birthday>.


Then you can change it to the exact date of your birthday.

If it falls on the lunar or leap month

You can also check it out.

If Kakao Talk birthday setting has been completed,

If you press “OK”

Changes are applied to birthday notifications

It will be reflected.

It’s the birthday that parents usually have

According to my resident registration, I have a different birthday or a lunar birthday

It’s hard to remember your birthday because you use it

It’s hard, but if you set it up like this

It will be much easier to remember.

Parents’ birthday settings and birthday presentation

If you set the alarm, even if you forget

You can check it on Kakaotalk in the morning

I’ll be able to fix it quickly.

How to set up Kakao Talk friend’s birthday notification display

This time, show your friend’s birthday notification

I will tell you how to set it up.

Actually, it’s a bit of a concern.

The more ambiguous they are, the more so it will be.

Even if it’s a small amount, if you give gifts to many people

The expenditure is not small.

So I’m going to set it up so it’s not visible at all.

Please go to the full settings for your friend’s birthday sign

You can change it at <Friends>.

Choose a friend and if you look down the screen

There is a friend view setting part.

Here’s a look at a friend whose birthday is right here.

There is a button next to it.

If this button is turned on, your friend’s birthday will be marked.

If you turn off the button,

Kakao Talk’s birthday notification will be turned off.

So if it’s too much of a burden to give and take,

After setting your Kakao Talk birthday not to open,

If you don’t even let your friend’s birthday happen, it will be more comfortable.


Today, we learned how to set up a private birthday announcement on KakaoTalk and how to organize how to display a birthday notification on KakaoTalk. In fact, it’s something we should celebrate our birthdays in our lives, but as each person has a different personality, it comes as a burden to someone. In fact, it’s most comfortable not to give or answer, so please note and find out and I’ll end it here. Thank you.

#KakaoTalkBirthdaySetting #KakaoTalkBirthdayNotWaiting #KakaoTalkBirthdayReveal #KakaoTalkBirthdaymark

#KakaoTalkBirthdayChange #KakaoTalkBirthdayDisclosure #KakaoTalkBirthdayNotification