케이뱅크 신용대출플러스 자격조건 Loan for the unemployed – K Bank Credit Loan Plus qualifications and reviews

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K Bank was launched as the first internet-only bank in Korea. Since then, the number of users has been rapidly increasing with services such as free remittance. Since then, we have been providing various financial products such as emergency fund loans, small loans, mid-interest loans, and card issuance. Among them, K-Bank Credit Loan Plus, which allows even the unemployed to receive loans, has recently been receiving attention. Let’s take a look at the eligibility requirements and interest rates for Credit Loan Plus.
Find out about K Bank Credit Loan Plus

The qualifications stated by K Bank are ‘those who meet the bank’s screening process’. Since the detailed requirements for the review are not mentioned, there is currently a saying that it is a ‘multiple review’. 1 There are many people who say that it is not possible to apply for a loan other than the financial sector, or that it is not possible to exceed the expected loan amount, but in fact, there are cases where applicants in these cases have been approved, so the exact screening criteria are still unknown. Recently, there has been a case showing that if you have a credit card and have used it for a long time, the approval rate increases.

There are cases where applications were rejected not long ago, but were approved when they reapplied recently, so people are saying that the review process is even more difficult. For those who currently need a loan, it appears that the only way to find out whether or not it has been approved is through an actual application.
The maximum loan limit of K Bank Credit Loan Plus is 150 million won, but based on actual cases, the maximum limit rarely exceeds 50 million won.
The applicable interest rate is a minimum of 3.89% to a maximum of 11.44% per year based on personal credit score. If the maximum interest rate is applied, the interest rate is not low, but it can be confirmed that the interest rate is lower than products to which the legal maximum interest rate of secondary financial institutions or loan companies is applied. Please note that an interest rate in the 3% range may be applied depending on the screening results.

How to apply for K Bank Credit Loan Plus

With K Bank Credit Loan Plus, you can easily check the limit and apply for a loan using your smartphone. If you have not installed K-Bank, please install the K-Bank app through the store.
Let’s take a look at actual reviews of people who received K-Bank Credit Loan Plus. The first case was a person who had a credit score of 833 based on Nice before applying and was working as a day laborer with no expected loan. He had been using a credit card for a year and did not own any other real estate or vehicles. When applying for this condition, the limit was 26 million won and the interest rate was 9.11%.

The second case was a person with a NICE score of 807 and an expected loan of 17 million won from the Sunshine Loan and 3 million won from the Nonghyup Emergency Fund. He worked as a day laborer and his average monthly salary was 6.5 million won, but the final limit was 67 million won and the interest rate was 6.3%. Looking at the above case, it appears that the actual screening standards are still unclear. Please note that applying in person is the fastest way to check your limit.
Products that can be recommended if K Bank Credit Loan Plus is rejected are Emergency Loan and Sunshine Loan. Please check the detailed information below.
So far, we have learned about K-Bank Credit Loan Plus. This product has recently been receiving a lot of attention from users since it was launched not long ago. If you wish to borrow funds, please refer to the above article and apply to solve the problem.
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