쿠팡 탈퇴 After joining and withdrawing from Coupang Partners

I installed the app to try a side job with Coupang Flex. However, I deleted Coupang Flex without seeing it once for the following two reasons. The first is the outbreak of COVID-19. Due to the corona pandemic, I feel cautious about going to a gathering place where many people gather. Nowadays, rather than being cautious, it is atrocious.

The second is that if an accident occurs while using your own vehicle while working as a courier with Coupang Flex, insurance will not be processed at all. Since I am driving so-called uninsured, there is no reason to risk such a risk and do Coupang Flex. 쿠팡 탈퇴

쿠팡 탈퇴

So I signed up for Coupangplex and never did a part-time delivery job. I immediately deleted the Coupang Flex app. JFactory
The problem, however, is that Coupang Flex-related parcel delivery job Coupang Man recruitment notifications continue to come through Kakao Talk and text messages. Come here often, come too often. Notifications keep coming in every now and then. Even as I am writing this right now, texts and KakaoTalk are coming in.


I couldn’t stand the occasional notifications, so I reinstalled the Coupang Flex app to find a way to unsubscribe. But there was no button or link to leave the app at all. You can only sign up and not leave. What kind of slave-like apps are there… So, when I searched for a way to unsubscribe, they said that it is impossible to unsubscribe and only deletes personal information. It’s absurd to have such a nonsensical policy. Anyway, I’m going to have to deal with the nuisance right now.


If your personal information is deleted, you will no longer receive a notification message.
The method of deleting personal information is processed by requesting withdrawal and personal information coloration by phone or e-mail at Coupangplex. I chose e-mail because the phone line can be long and it can be complicated to explain various things.

I sent an email like this:
Request to withdraw from Coupangplex.
No matter how much I search on the Coupang Flex app, I can’t find the cancel button, so I send an email to cancel Coupang Flex.
The personal information entered when signing up for Coupangplex is as follows.
I would like faster processing.
thank you
A day or so later I got an email reply.
When you withdraw from Coupang Flex, personal information is deleted, but information is kept for about 3 years, it is impossible to re-register within 6 months, and it is difficult to permanently re-register with the same ID. If you agree to this, if you reply with your name, ID, contact information, vehicle information, or delivery date, your withdrawal will be processed within 1 to 2 days.
I checked the email, entered the relevant information again, and responded. Now, after waiting a day or two until it is processed, if you receive a withdrawal notification email, the withdrawal process is completed.