태아보험 가입시기 Comparison of fetal insurance rankings, subscription period and tips? < Plan 1 < News < Main article - Medical Tribune

태아보험 가입시기The reason why the risk of premature birth is increasing day by day is because of the increase in the age of marriage and the resulting increase in older pregnancies.
Pregnancy at an advanced age increases the risk of fetal malformations such as premature birth and congenital anomalies. As of 2014, medical expenses for high-risk newborns through health insurance application are KRW 121.4 billion. This is 42.9% of the total neonatal medical expenses.
Considering that high-risk newborns account for about 4.7% of all newborns, it can be seen that this is a very high proportion.

If a newborn baby suffers from a disease, parents may be worried about medical expenses besides the psychological burden.

As such, it is advantageous for prospective parents who are concerned about medical expenses to sign up in advance during pregnancy through comparison of fetal insurance rankings to be guaranteed from the risk of birth.
So, when is the right time to sign up for fetal insurance? Prenatal insurance is available from the date of confirmation of pregnancy. In particular, special contracts for the fetus (incubator, hospitalization fee for neonatal diseases, congenital anomaly surgery fee) must be subscribed within 22 weeks of pregnancy. It is possible to sign up for general fetal insurance even after 22 weeks, but it is impossible to sign up for the above special contract.
In addition, during the 1st and 2nd malformation examinations, subscription may be delayed due to abnormal findings in the nape circumference of the fetus, high risk of Down syndrome, or other maternal diseases (abnormal thyroid levels, changes in the size of uterine fibroids, prescription of miscarriage prevention drugs due to bleeding). It is good to review and sign up for fetal insurance products at an early stage.
When signing up for fetal insurance, you need to know how to choose your age. The 30-year-old maturity is cheaper, but the guarantee period is short. The 100-year maturity has the advantage of continuity, but the premium is relatively high. Therefore, the actual cost of fetal insurance is set at 100 years of maturity, but the remaining special contracts are selectively adjusted to maturity at 30 or 80 years old, and the insurance premium burden can be reduced by configuring a pure guarantee type design rather than a maturity refund type.
The biggest reason to sign up for fetal insurance is to secure hospital treatment costs due to possible congenital disorders. Usually, many mothers understand special contracts for three major disabilities, four major disabilities, and disease-specific severe disabilities as congenital guarantees, but all of the above special contracts only cover acquired disabilities. It should not be forgotten that congenital disabilities are guaranteed only by special contracts for post-disease disorders.
In newborns and young children, immunity to diseases is low, so the number of visits to the hospital is inevitable. Since special contracts can be reduced or deleted, you can see the effect of reducing insurance premiums by maintaining the special contract during the period when the coverage is likely to be guaranteed, and then deleting or reducing the special contract when immunity is strengthened.
In other words, in infants and toddlers, when there is a high possibility of using a tertiary ward due to bronchitis or pneumonia, the daily hospitalization rate is set as high as possible when enrolling in fetal insurance, and after that, when immunity is strengthened, insurance premiums can be adjusted by reducing or deleting them.
Fetal insurance has many special contracts compared to adult insurance, so the help of experts is essential. Usually, fetal insurance companies such as KB, Meritz, and Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance give free gifts (car seat, stroller, baby carrier, bumper bed, etc.) as a subscription gift, but you should not be misled by them.
If possible, get advice on efficient prenatal insurance comparison, design, price, quotation, etc. through the help of experts, and it is good to use a ranked professional company in the ranking of children’s insurance subscription with a lot of compensation experience that manages insurance claims even after signing up. .
The fetus insurance comparison site (http://www.kidsimart.com) is in the limelight of consumers as a service that compares multiple fetal insurance premiums in real time just by entering the due date. Data and guide materials analyzing fetal insurance coverage, which changes frequently, are provided free of charge upon request by consumers.
In addition, it provides professional free consultations on not only natural pregnancy, but also artificial insemination, test-tube baby fetus insurance, and test-tube twin fetus insurance.
On the other hand, fetal insurance products sold on the market include Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance (Good and Good Children’s Insurance), KB Insurance (KB Hope Plus Child Insurance), Hanwha Insurance (No. Children’s insurance), Samsung Fire & Marine Fetal Insurance (mom likes it), Nonghyup (Dream Moa Children’s Insurance), Dongyang Life Insurance, Shinhan Life Insurance, etc.

태아보험 가입시기
