현대홈쇼핑 고객센터 전화번호 Hyundai Home Shopping Customer Center Phone Number

We will tell you the contact information for Hyundai Home Shopping’s customer center and how to connect to a counselor.

현대홈쇼핑 고객센터

현대홈쇼핑 고객센터

If you need to consult about payment, return, or delivery issues after purchasing an item from Hyundai Home Shopping, please read this article and proceed.

Table of Contents
1. Hyundai Home Shopping Customer Center Contact Information
2. How to Connect to a Counselor
3. Change Order Contents
4. Cancel Order
5. Apply for AS

Connecting to Hyundai Home Shopping Customer Center Counselor Thumbnail

1. Hyundai Home Shopping Customer Center Contact Information

Hyundai Home Shopping’s customer center contact information has different phone numbers depending on the purpose of the contact.

First, for Hyundai Home Shopping’s customer center related to delivery, payment, and return, call 1600-0000. If you ordered through the mobile app, call 1600-0009.

Contact hours are from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM on weekdays and are closed on weekends and public holidays.

Hyundai Home Shopping Customer Center Contact
Hyundai Home Shopping Customer Center Contact

2. How to connect to a counselor

When you dial 1600-0000, ARS will respond. Among them, 2 and 3 are the counselor connection functions. If you want to connect to Hyundai Home Shopping for general consultation, press 2.

How to connect to a Hyundai Home Shopping counselor: Dial 1600-0000 and press ARS 2
ARS number contents
1. Hmall Customer Center
2. Connect to Hmall counselor
3. Connect to Shopping Live counselor

Even if you connect to the mobile customer center, 1600-0009, pressing ARS 2 will connect you to a counselor.

Consulting through the bulletin board
Connecting to a counselor by phone is only available from 9:00 to 20:00 on weekdays, but if you have an inquiry on the weekend or late in the evening, it is recommended to use the 1:1 bulletin board consultation right away. When you click on the bulletin board consultation and log in, a space will appear where you can write down your questions or what you want.

>> Go to Hyundai Home Shopping 1:1 Inquiry

Hyundai Home Shopping Customer Center 1:1 Inquiry
Hyundai Home Shopping Customer Center 1:1 Inquiry

3. Change order details

The most common reason for contacting the Hyundai Home Shopping Customer Center is to change the color, size, or delivery address you ordered.

From the order details to the payment completion stage, you can directly edit and enter the color, size, and delivery address on the main page. However, if it says that the product is being prepared, it has already been packaged, so you should contact 1:1 consultation or call the customer center and tell them the order number.

4. Cancel order

There are many cases where you order from Hyundai Home Shopping and then cancel it again. In this case, you can log in to the app or homepage, go to My Page, and if there is an order cancellation button, you can cancel it right away.

If you ordered with a credit card, the cancel button is activated until the payment is completed or the product is being prepared, and if you ordered with cash or a gift certificate, you can use the cancel button until the order reception stage.

If you go beyond this step and there is no order cancellation button, you must cancel by using 1:1 consultation or contacting the customer center.

If the order is canceled, the credit card purchase is usually canceled after 3-7 days, and the check card is deposited into the account within 7 days. If you paid by mobile phone, it takes 3-5 days.

5. Apply for AS

If you need AS for an item purchased from Hyundai Home Shopping, there is no separate application menu, so you must leave an inquiry in 1:1 consultation or call the customer center and say you want AS.

Hyundai Home Shopping is a subsidiary of Hyundai Department Store and uses the values ​​of convenience and trust as its slogan. It has many users because it has expanded into TV shopping, internet shopping, mobile shopping, and even offline business.

Since the products it mainly sells are clothing, miscellaneous goods, food, and home appliances, it is common to have to inquire through the customer center. I have organized the information about Hyundai Home Shopping above, so I hope it will be helpful.