건강보험료 환급 신청방법(본인부담금 환급) How to apply for health insurance premium refund (refund of out-of-pocket expenses)

If you are injured and receive treatment, you will have to pay out-of-pocket expenses accordingly. At this time, not many netizens know that they can get a refund if they overspend. Let’s learn about how to receive National Health Insurance refund.

건강보험료 환급

건강보험료 환급



How to receive health insurance refund

You can also receive your National Health Insurance refund via the Internet. The process of getting your National Health Insurance refund back online is not difficult.


If incorrectly collected health insurance premiums, that is, overpayments, occur, the Corporation immediately determines the overpayment or mispayment amount as an insurance premium refund.







What is a deductible refund?

If the health insurance deductible paid after receiving treatment at a hospital is reviewed by the Review and Assessment Service and it is confirmed that the out-of-pocket amount was excessively paid, or if the Ministry of Health and Welfare confirms that the out-of-pocket amount was excessively collected after an on-site inspection of the hospital, payment may be made to the relevant hospital. This is a system in which the excessive amount paid is deducted from the medical expenses and returned to the person who received the treatment.



How to apply for health insurance refund payment

If a deductible refund occurs, an application for deductible refund payment will be sent to the person eligible. Fill in the deposit account and personal information of the depositor (applicant) and submit it (in writing, by phone, by mail, FAX, diskette, EDI) to the nearest corporation branch. The amount will be remitted within 7 days from the date of receipt, and the application period is 3 years from the date of receipt of the payment application.

Additionally, if an additional out-of-pocket refund occurs, it may be deposited into the bank account you originally applied for. If you do not want the deposit to be deposited into the bank account you originally applied for, please notify the relevant branch.


After payment of the co-payment refund, if the hospital files an objection to the medical expenses to the Review and Assessment Service and it is confirmed that the treatment was appropriate, all or part of the amount already paid may be refunded.


1) Access the National Health Insurance website.

2) In the [Refund Inquiry/Application] menu located on the middle of the main page, check whether there is a refund to be returned and, if so, apply for a refund.



> Health insurance refund inquiry





If you pay excessively for various services, it is common that you do not realize it and just ignore it.








In addition, there are also dormant deposit inquiry services provided by Korea Financial Telecommunications and Clearings & Clearings Institute, so it is helpful to check online for various types of refunds.