경찰체력시험 Complete summary of physical examination schedule and precautions for police officer recruitment exam

경찰체력시험The physical/physical fitness test for the 2nd police officer recruitment exam in 2022 is scheduled from Tuesday, September 13 to Friday, October 7. The importance of the physical fitness test in the police officer recruitment exam is so great that passing the physical fitness test greatly increases your chances of passing the test. Today, I would like to organize the schedule and precautions for the physical examination for the police officer recruitment exam.

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The physical fitness test for the 2nd police officer recruitment exam in 2022, which will recruit a total of 1,787 people, is scheduled from Tuesday, September 13 to Friday, October 7. Since the physical fitness test schedule varies depending on the city/province, you should check the schedule uploaded on the website of the city/provincial police agency to which you applied. Based on the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, the physical fitness test schedule for the 2nd police officer recruitment exam is as follows.

The Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency’s physical examination submission deadline is Friday, September 23. The physical fitness test will be conducted from Friday, September 23rd to Wednesday, October 5th, and the aptitude test will be held on Saturday, October 8th. The place to submit documents is 27, Hyoja-ro 9-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul.

If you are taking the test outside of Seoul, please refer to the table above to check the schedule for the physical and physical examination.
In order to take the physical fitness test, which is the second test of the police officer recruitment exam, you must bring the following materials and visit the test site. What you need to prepare is your ID card, application form, writing utensil, physical fitness test attire (light-colored short-sleeved, tight-fitting T-shirt), and all documents submitted by successful applicants. Documents submitted by those who passed the written test can be found below.

☑️ Go to check the submitted documents for those who passed the written test

As identification, you can use a resident registration card, resident registration application confirmation, driver’s license, disabled person registration card with resident registration number printed, or passport. Please note that student ID cards, qualification certificates, civil servant ID cards, photocopies, etc. are not accepted as identification.
The test items for the police officer physical fitness test are sit-ups, push-ups, left/right hand grip strength, 100m running, and 1,000m running. Please note that if you score 1 point in any one of the test items or if your total score is less than 19 points, you will be disqualified.

☑️ Check the evaluation criteria for each item

The standard of 1 point for each test item is as follows. First of all, in the 100m run, 1 point is given for running after 17 seconds for men and 21.6 seconds for women. In the 1,000m run, 1 point is awarded for running after 280 seconds for men and 348 seconds for women. If you do 21 or fewer sit-ups, or 12 or fewer for women, you get 1 point. Left and right grip strength is 1 point if the weight is less than 37kg for men and less than 21kg for women. Lastly, 1 point is given when men do 12 or fewer push-ups and women do 10 or fewer push-ups.

Police officer recruitment test and physical fitness test

Until 2022, female applicants for public recruitment will be required to place their knees on their knees when doing push-ups. Starting next year, as a way to alleviate distrust in the physical strength of police officers, applicants will be required to take a push-up test in the same upright position as male applicants.

According to the ‘Partial Amendment Ordinance to the Enforcement Rules for the Appointment of Police Officials’ recently announced by the National Police Agency, the physical fitness test standard for police officer recruitment is planned to be raised to the physical test standard for police officer candidates. Test takers should take note that the standards for the three categories of sit-ups, side-to-side grip strength, and push-ups are said to be raised by 2025.
In the police officer physical fitness test, a random doping test is conducted to prevent cases of fraudulent passing due to use of banned substances. Doping tests are conducted on 5% of applicants. If you have a medical condition that requires the use of a prohibited substance or prohibited method, you can apply for exemption from use by submitting the required documents.

If an injury occurs due to your own negligence during the physical fitness test, the physical fitness test cannot be postponed or performed additionally. In fact, it is said that there are cases where injuries occur during the physical fitness test and prevent the test from taking place, so it is a good idea to do enough warm-up exercises before taking the test.

Additionally, if you are confirmed to have COVID-19 and are in quarantine before performing the physical fitness test and aptitude test, you must report in advance to the National Police Agency’s education department. Confirmed cases here include those receiving hospital treatment, those receiving treatment at home, and those in self-quarantine. Please note that the phone number for the education section of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency is 02-700-2600.


