공복혈당 낮추기 방법 Criteria for determining diabetes and lowering fasting blood sugar levels

공복혈당 낮추기 방법


Problems with the secretion of insulin hormones that regulate blood sugar levels

It appears or insulin is secreted, but its function.

be caused by the problem of decreased insulin resistance

I do that.

fasting blood sugar used to diagnose diabetes

Blood glucose test 2 hours after the test.glycated hemoglobin test

However, normal blood sugar levels are collected after fasting for 8 hours.

fasting blood glucose test less than 100 mg/dl of fasting plasma glucose

This is normal.

If you look at the diabetes mellitus criteria that use the diagnosis,

�� Glycated hemoglobin 6.5% or higher

8More than 126mg/dl of glucose after fasting for 8 hours

7575g plasma glucose 200mg/dl after oral sugar load for 2 hours

More than

�� It is said that random glucose is 200 mg/dl or more.


Among the above four items, two or more test results on the same day.

If you have been there, you can be confirmed.

It’s not over the above-mentioned figures, but it’s a normal.

All high levels are called pre-diabetes levels.

Double fasting blood sugar disorder has an fasting blood sugar level of 100 mg/dl.

It refers to the case between 126 mg/dl.


Compared to normal people, the risk of developing the disease has increased significantly.

In the future, the probability of developing a disease will be more than 3-5 times higher.


fasting blood sugar lowering

Two ways to exercise and lose weight are preventive guidelines.

It’s recommended that you quit smoking and quit drinking.

It should be hot.


First of all, weight control is about 5-10% of your current weight.

The goal should be to reduce the degree.Especially obesity.

Efforts to lose weight as a major risk factor for diabetes

It’s more important than this.God of eating to control weight.

Be careful and avoid high-calorie foods that are high in fat.

I am doing.


But it’s not good to control the amount of food too much.

Controlling blood sugar levels by ingesting certain amounts of carbohydrates.

It’s more helpful for

Exercise regularly for 30 minutes every day or more than 150 minutes a week.

It means exercising more than moderate intensity.

I’m sweating and out of breath, so it’s hard to talk to the person next to me.

It is recommended to exercise with an intensity of about that much.



Exercise should not be missed more than two days in a row and should be done steadily.

After doing aerobic exercise, the lasting effect is about 24 to 27 hours.

It’s about that much, so if this time passes, it’s increased because of exercise.

This is because insulin sensitivity decreases again.

공복혈당 낮추기 방법