교도소 면회신청 [Description of visitation methods, including application for visitation at detention centers and prisons]: Naver Blog

교도소 면회신청2020. 11. 17. 17:13

[Description of visitation methods, including application for visitation at detention centers and prisons]

Among our firm’s clients, there are cases where they are tried while detained in a detention center or prison, and there are cases where they are arrested and indicted after being subject to an arrest warrant review after an emergency arrest or red-handed arrest. And there are cases where people are sentenced to prison and imprisoned during the trial.

When a client is arrested for the first time and imprisoned in a detention center, family members must apply for a visit, but they are often unaware of the procedures or methods.

You can first make a reservation for a general interview via the Internet. However, you must know the inmate number to register as an inmate in target management, but there is the inconvenience of having to visit the receiving institution in person at least once to confirm.



Today, while visiting Suwon Detention Center, I brought with me a brochure related to applying for a visit and would like to introduce it to you.

There is a guidebook like the one above, so you can refer to it, but you can first visit the detention center or prison civil service office where you are imprisoned and visit with them in person to see what the procedures are.

Also, if you search for “Correction Headquarters” in the internet search bar, you will be connected to the internet required to apply for an interview.



And, according to the experiences of my clients, when they are imprisoned in a detention center for the first time, they must have at least 1 million won in deposit money to purchase various daily necessities. (For this reason, among the cases I handle, if detention is expected, I inform the client in advance In case of an emergency, I would advise you to go to the hearing with about 1 million won in cash.

In the case of depositing the detention money, visit the civil affairs office of the detention center where you are imprisoned, and if you tell them the prisoner number, they will tell you the prisoner’s personal detention money account. You can deposit the detention money by confirming the detention money account, and the maximum amount of detention money that can be paid is 3 million won. Please note.

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