국가 자격증 종류 Summary of types of national qualifications (national technical qualifications, national professional qualifications)

National qualifications are divided into national technical qualifications and national professional qualifications, and this time we will learn about them in detail. The purpose of certification is for employment or self-development, and for this purpose, it is recommended to acquire a certification preferred by a company, institution, or organization.

국가 자격증 종류
Additionally, employees who hold this certification can achieve great results because it is closely related to practical work. Accordingly, applicants with qualifications are often given preference during the hiring process. Therefore, it is very important to obtain a national qualification recognized by the government.

Of course, obtaining certification requires professional knowledge and effort in the field. However, if you acquire a certification, the fields you can enter in the future will be wider and you will be able to acquire a high level of expertise. Therefore, obtaining national certification is a very important factor for one’s career advancement.

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What is a national certification?
National qualifications refer to qualifications newly established and managed by the state in accordance with laws and regulations. These certificates are issued by officially recognized public institutions (Ministry of Health and Welfare, National Tax Service), and in addition to national certificates, there are private certificates.

Private qualifications are certificates issued by private businesses, not public institutions, and are different from national qualifications. However, having a certificate is still a big advantage when looking for a job. Additionally, obtaining certification is a great help in self-development.

Therefore, if you want to prepare for a national certification, it is a good idea to collect enough information about the certification you wish to obtain and begin preparing for the national certification exam. Also, recently, there are increasing opportunities to prepare for national certification exams through the Naeil Learning Card government subsidy, so please take note of this as well.

National qualification type
National qualifications are divided into national technical qualifications and national professional qualifications.

National technical certification is a certification created in accordance with the National Qualification and Technology Act, and refers to certification in the fields of technology, skills, and services related to industry. Most of them are entrusted and operated by the Human Resources Development Service of Korea, and are classified according to competency into master craftsman, engineer, engineer, industrial engineer, and technician (grade 1, 2, and 3 in the service field).

On the other hand, national professional qualifications are certificates created in accordance with various laws other than the National Qualifications and Technology Act, and range from laws such as the Road Traffic Act to laws you may have never heard of. Because it is a certification that covers specialized areas such as medicine, taxation, and accounting, it is classified differently from a national technical certification.

There are 544 national technical qualifications and 185 national professional qualifications.

Check the type of national certification

국가 자격증 종류
1. Types of national technical qualifications
Factory management engineer
Packaging, technician, engineer, industrial engineer
Quality Control Technician
Quality management, engineer, industrial engineer
Social Research Analyst Level 1, Level 2
Consumer expert counselor level 1, level 2
Convention planning agency level 1, level 2
Computer accounting operator level 1, 2, and 3
Secretary level 1, 2, 3
word processor
Computer literacy level 1, 2
Korean Shorthand Level 1, 2, and 3
E-Learning Operations Manager
Clinical psychologist level 1, level 2
International Medical Tourism Coordinator
Radiation management technician
Nuclear power generation engineer
wireless equipment engineer
Communication equipment technician
Information security engineer
Big data analysis engineer
In addition, detailed information on each national technical certification item can be found on the Qnet website.

2. Types of national professional qualifications
security instructor
A driver’s license
Automobile Driving Skills Testing Institute
Car driving instructor
certified labor attorney
business health instructor
Vocational competency development training teacher
Affiliated company
wireless carrier
Amuture radio engineer
customs broker
Bonded yarn
health teacher
practical teacher
nutrition teacher
Professional counselor
Full teacher
associate teacher
Lifelong educator
Defense Project Manager
Military air traffic controller
Detailed information on each national professional certification can be found on the Qnet website.

Detailed information for each national qualification test item

Ranking of national certification types for men in their 50s
The national technical qualifications most frequently acquired by men in their 50s or older are as follows.

Forklift driver technician
Excavator operator technician
Waterproofing technician
Landscaping technician
The number one national technical qualification most acquired by middle-aged men in their 50s or older is forklift driver technician. For more information about forklift certification, please refer to How to Obtain.

Ranking of national certification types for women in their 50s
The national technical qualifications most frequently acquired by women in their 50s or older are as follows.

Korean food chef
Architectural painting technician
Computer literacy level 2
Waterproofing technician
Western food cooking technician
Obtaining a national certification is expected to be helpful for self-development and employment. In particular, we hope that it will be helpful when considering a job or preparing for re-employment by referring to the types of national technical certifications most acquired by middle-aged people in their 50s or older.