국민행복카드 사용방법 Pharmacy, hospital pregnant woman voucher card (Kookmin Happiness Card) Installment 38 Input method, payment terminal setting method

What is the Pregnancy Voucher Card (National Happiness Card)?
Working at a hospital or pharmacy, you will sometimes receive a request to pay with a maternity voucher card.

If you are a pediatrician or obstetrics and gynecologist door-to-door pharmacy, you will be familiar with paying for a maternity voucher card.

국민행복카드 사용방법

Pharmacies without these departments often do not know how to pay for a maternity voucher card.

We will discuss the payment method in more detail below, and first, we will briefly review what a voucher card for pregnant women is.

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국민행복카드 사용방법

National Happiness Card Description
National Happiness Card Description+

아름다운 일상

The pregnant woman voucher card (National Happiness Card) is used to support medical expenses during pregnancy and childbirth.

It is a kind of gift card provided by the National Health Insurance Service.


It can be used in hospitals and pharmacies, and pharmacies were originally available only for specialty drugs purchased by doctor’s prescription.

From 2022, general medicines related to pregnancy and childbirth can be paid with the National Happiness Card subsidy.


[Daily Farm] Available to purchase general medicines at pharmacies with National Happiness Card from next year

[Daily Farm=Reporter Kang Shin-guk] From next year, pregnant women will be able to use the Kookmin Happiness Card to pay for general medicines in addition to salary dispensing at pharmacies. National Happiness Card is a government voucher for pregnancy and childbirth medical expenses (600,000 won for single births, multiple births)



How to use the National Happiness Card (pregnancy voucher card)
Let’s look at how to use the Kookmin Happiness Card (pregnancy voucher card). Insert the card, enter the payment amount, and enter 38 in the installment field to make payment with the maternity voucher card. It is set so that the number of installment months does not appear. So, some people misunderstand that the maternity voucher card only applies to payments of 50,000 won or more.


However, if you change the installment payment setting of the terminal to enable installment payment for an amount less than 50,000 won, you can pay with a voucher card for a payment of less than 50,000 won.


The setting that enables installment payment of less than 50,000 won is different for each terminal,

Most of the flow is similar, so let’s take a look at an example terminal.


Card Terminal – Keyboard
Card terminal – password input
Card terminal keyboard – password input


You need to change the terminal settings by pressing the settings button on the terminal.

The terminal in the picture does not have a setting button, and you can enter the setting screen by pressing the special button and entering the password.

Some terminals have passwords and some do not.

If the terminal has a password but you do not know the password, you must call the card terminal customer center and ask.


Terminal Settings – Transaction Settings
Transaction setup – installment payment setup
Terminal setting

Press the special button and enter the password to move to the setting screen.

Here, press the transaction setting button and enter the installment setting again in the transaction setting.


Installment month use setting
Set up installment payment for less than 50,000 won
installment payment

You can choose whether or not to use the installment month by entering the installment payment setting.

To use the maternity voucher card, you must enter 38 in the installment field, so click Use.


Then you can choose whether or not to use installments under 50,000 won.

If you click here to use an installment payment of less than 50,000 won

Even when paying less than 50,000 won, a window to enter the installment month always appears.


If you go back to the beginning, insert the card and enter the payment amount, the installment month selection window appears.

If you enter 38 here, payment will be made with the transfer voucher card normally.