네이버 웨일 업데이트 nice!! Neighbor Whale Emotional Update

What browser do you use to surf or search the web on your PC or mobile phone?
I use Naver Whale Browser because I don’t want to remember ID and password due to the cunningness of login.
Of course, other web browsers can also save according to the settings, but since I used Whale since it was first released, I was too familiar with the environment, so I couldn’t switch to another browser. Of course, there were a lot of errors in the beginning, so I also sent comments to Naver… 네이버 웨일 업데이트

You can report it by clicking the “Report a Problem” button as shown in the image below. JFactory
네이버 웨일 업데이트
Browsers are different depending on the operating environment you are using, but I think that Windows users will use Internet Explorer, Mac or iPhone users will use Safari, and Android operating systems will use Chrome a lot. I recommend Whale, which is easy to use even under these three operating systems. The reason is that it is possible to report problems as above, so the feedback is faster than other browsers, and we are improving the problems through updates as shown below. Below is the latest v3.15.136.18 update. Please note

Another advantage is that we can easily access Naver apps or services that we use frequently through the sidebar. Usually, it is placed on the left or right side of the browser, but if the monitor is large, there is a lot of space left, but there is an advantage that it can be used efficiently. As you can see from the photo below, it has the advantage of being able to use external apps through Naver services and extension apps such as “Memo”, “Green Dot”, “Music Player”, “Naver Calendar”, and “Papago Translation”.

So far, I think these are the minor strengths of Whale, and the following are the functions I use the most as a result of my use.
1. Set your default browser
If it is easy to use, you should first select it as the default browser and set it to be usable.
When you launch Microsoft Edge on Windows for the first time, the following window will appear. Edge is not the default browser to begin with. If you click “Use Microsoft Recommended Settings”, it becomes the default browser.

1) Setting the default browser on PC
Tap the new dot (ⓐ) in the upper right corner on the wale. Click Settings (ⓑ).

Click Default > Default Browser > “Set as Default (ⓒ)”.

ⓓ It moves to the window setting window. From Apps > Default Apps, swipe down

ⓔ Click Naver Whale~

When you click Set Default (ⓕ) in Apps > Default Apps > Naver Whale, Whale is set as the default browser.