넷플릭스 영화 추천 Netflix movie recommendations, movie popularity rankings for March 23

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Netflix movie popularity ranking

hello. Today I would like to recommend a Netflix movie. Among Netflix movies, we selected the movies with the most traffic in March. And I will introduce the Netflix movie rankings in order. We recommend watching Netflix movies full of fun and emotion after work or on the weekend.

2023.02.05 – [Daily Life/Bestseller] – Bestseller book list, bestseller ranking in February 2023
Best-selling book list, bestseller ranking for February 23
Bestseller book list, February 2023 bestseller rankings I would like to introduce the bestseller book list for February 2023. The bestseller ranking is the most sold on domestic book sales sites such as Kyobo Bookstore, YES24, and Aladdin.

2023.01.28 – [Entertainment Department/Movie Drama Entertainment] – Disney+ recommended works, original works (Korean version)
Disney Plus Recommended Works, Original Works (Korean Edition)
Disney Plus Recommended Works, Original Works (Korean Version) Hello. Today, I would like to introduce recommended Disney Plus movies. The content we will introduce today is a selection of Disney original works and is a Korean work.

Netflix Plan

Before introducing the Netflix movie rankings, I will briefly introduce the Netflix plan.

For solo viewing, Basic or Standard is recommended. If you want to watch it with friends, we recommend premium.

#1 movie

movie recommendations

movie nob

movie nob

I agree with the movie


Scent of a Woman (1992)

Scent of a Woman

movie recommendations

An office worker, developer, and teacher who wants to benefit myself, others, and everyone.
I wish I had known in advance

넷플릭스 영화 추천
