노인돌봄 생활지원사 Differences between caregivers and caregivers for the elderly

노인돌봄 생활지원사


What are the differences between elderly care life support and nursing care workers?
What is an elderly care worker?It is to directly provide support such as safety support, social participation, life education, and daily life to the elderly who have difficulty operating their daily lives due to the performance of customized elderly care services since January 2020.You can work without a license.Elderly care life support is a job that manages the elderly, and it can be said that it is a job that manages about 15 to 18 elderly people directly.You can work about five hours a day, and your working hours are from 09:00 to 14:30 a.m., and you have a five-day workweek.They will work as one of the two typical types of general care and intensive care, and general care is for the elderly who need care due to the disconnection of social stages and difficulties in daily life.We provide services for less than 16 hours a week.The key point is that [periodic housework support service is not possible].Focused care requires daily life support due to physical function restrictions, and it provides 16-40 hours of direct service and periodic housework support services to the elderly with large parts.In addition, it can be seen as the difference in the time to provide care services and the difference in the elderly subject, but the elderly care life support company does not need a special certificate.Instead, it gives preferential treatment to those with social workers and nursing care certificates.Anyone can apply if they have the ability and will to take care of the elderly, so it can be said that the elderly care life support service is a bright job in the future in a situation where they are going to an ultra-aged society like now.


Senior Care Life Support Company

What is a nursing care worker? I explained a lot about nursing care workers in previous posts.In the reference link, I explained in detail about being a caregiver.However, if we talk about the difference between elderly care life support and nursing care workers, the quality and details of care services for the elderly are different.In other words, nursing care workers need a certificate.It’s a national certificate.In addition, by registering at facilities or centers related to the elderly, we visit the residence of the elderly who have been judged to have a long-term care grade and provide three or four hours of care services.At this time, it is a job that supports various nursing services for elderly people’s meals, cleanliness, medication assistance, excretion care, exercise care, emotional support, and environmental management.In particular, they also take care of elderly people with senile diseases such as dementia and stroke.Even the support for housework is empty.Therefore, it can be said that it is very different from the elderly care life support company that does not need a certificate.It is an expert in professional care for the elderly who are unable to carry out independent daily life and an elderly care life support company that supports only somewhat basic care.


nursing care worker

There is a saying, “Just as your youth is not a relationship that you earned through hard work, my old age is not a punishment that I received by mistake.”The elderly have lived a wonderful life in the past, but there are many elderly people who die of loneliness if no one takes care of them when people around them leave one by one as they get older and are left alone.In particular, it is true that more and more elderly people die alone in 2020.In this situation, meeting a good caregiver who takes care of and takes care of the elderly like my parents means meeting a good nursing center.Direct contracts with caregivers can lead to various legal problems.The role of mediating these things in the middle is like a home welfare center, and I hope you get a reliable Raon service at the Raon Home Welfare Center, which provides reliable services.Please check it in more detail at the [Reference link].If you contact us via the [Inquiry Link], we will help you discuss it in detail.노인돌봄 생활지원사