노인인권 사이버교육 바로가기 Go to Cyber Education on Elderly Human Rights

Check the course period for the cyber education for the elderly and make sure to complete it!

In accordance with Article 6-3 of the Welfare of the Elderly Act and Article 35-3 of the Long-term Care Insurance Act for the Elderly, welfare facilities for the elderly (excluding Senior Citizens’ Center and classrooms for the elderly) and home-based long-term care institutions, installers/operators, and workers receive at least 4 hours of human rights education every year (6 hours of Internet education) ) is compulsory

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However, as announced in the notice, the ’21 education ended on December 22, and there is good news for those who have not completed the senior citizen human rights education yet.

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Cyber Education Center Notice

In 2021, due to Corona 19, it is difficult to conduct education such as group education, so there must be many people who have not been able to complete the education. Considering this situation, the Ministry of Health and Welfare extends the training period until February 28, 2022 for only the Korea Human Resources Development Institute for Health and Welfare (Cyber Education Center) among human rights educational institutions to guide them to complete the training.

Currently, the 2021 Korea Health and Welfare Human Resources Development Institute education ended on December 22 of last year, and the January 2022 education will temporarily operate a cyber education center only from February 7 to 28, 2022 due to an inspection of the education site. Therefore, those who need to complete the education must not miss this period and complete the education.


In other words, considering the case that those who had to receive human rights education in 21 were not able to complete it due to Corona 19, if you receive training from February 7 to 28, 22 and complete it, it will be recognized as your performance in 2021. no see.


We will explain how to take and complete training through the Cyber Education Center in 5 steps. Please refer to the steps below and complete the training within the training period.


First, access the course site through the link below.

KOHI Health and Welfare Learners

KOHI Health and Welfare Learners

Notice Board We will deliver various news.

The five steps proceed in the order below.

Step 1: Search for Curriculum

Step 2: Register for courses

Step 3: Learn

Step 4: Satisfaction survey after learning

Step 5: Print the Certificate of Completion


Step 1 is how to search for courses. You can search for available training through search and then select the training course you want to take. We recommend that you choose the education that is appropriate for the institution you belong to.


Step 2 is course registration. Once you have selected the course you want, please proceed with your application to attend. Check the applicant information and enter the institution name that will be used when printing the certificate of completion.


Step 3 is the learning process. You can check your learning status on My Page, and you can also check the learning progress rate. If you check whether the progress rate is well saved to complete the course, you will be able to take the course smoothly.



When learning, you can proceed with learning through the arrow buttons, and close the window through the end of learning button on the last page to accurately reflect the progress rate. Completion is possible when the progress rate of all classes reaches 100%.


After completing the course, if you complete the study-related survey, the course is over.





Today, I explained how to take cyber education on human rights for the elderly. For those who were unable to attend the course last year, this is a great opportunity to complete it, so we recommend that you complete the course and complete the course during the course period.