농협카드 포인트 Nonghyup Card Points

Nonghyup Card Point Cash Conversion
In this post, we will look at how to convert Nonghyup Card points to cash. As you use cards, you accumulate points. However, many people forget that they have points and do not use them well.

Nonghyup Card Point Cash Conversion

Points are also accumulated when using the Nonghyup Card. These accumulated points can be exchanged for cash. It depends on your card usage history, but if you check it out, you may have accumulated quite a few points.

Then, below, we will take a closer look at how to convert Nonghyup Card points into cash.

Nonghyup Card Point Cash Conversion Method
1. Enter the Nonghyup Card website
Nonghyup Card points can be converted into cash on the Nonghyup Card website. Search for ‘Nonghyup Card’ in the search bar and enter the site below.

go to Nonghyup Card website

농협카드 포인트

2. Login
Below is the Nonghyup Card homepage screen. You must log in to convert your Nonghyup Card points to cash. 농협카드 포인트

Click the <Login> button in the upper right corner.

Log in using All One Pay / ID / public certificate. Here, I will log in with a public certificate. 좋은뉴스

Register the public certificate and enter the password.

If the validity period of the accredited certificate has expired, you must register the accredited certificate again.

Registered Nonghyup Card Certified Certificate
Issuance and reissuance of Nonghyup accredited certificate

Log in and click the <Benefits>-<Points> menu in order.

Then click <My Points>.

Then, the points accumulated from the Chaum brand and the BC brand will come out. There are currently 35,482 points. 1 point equals 1 won. Therefore, if you convert these points to cash, it will be 35,482 won. That’s the price for a delicious dinner.

Many people select the <Point Conversion> menu when converting Nonghyup Card points to cash, but when entering this menu, the points are not visible.

You can think of it as different from NH BC Point.

Shall we click on <Inquiry of Earnings History>?

If you look, there is <Points available for cashback>. If you want to convert your Nonghyup Card points into cash, you can apply for cash back.

4. Choose to apply for cashback
If you click <Use NH Points>, various menus appear.

Nonghyup Card Point Cash Conversion Menu

Select <Cashback Request> here. You can convert your Nonghyup Card points to cash here.

Converting Nonghyup Card Points to Cash

5. Choose an account
Select an account to convert Nonghyup Card points to cash. And click <Run>.

A window will appear and click <OK>.

And verify yourself. I will sign it with a public certificate.

This completes the conversion of Nonghyup Card points to cash.

The remaining points are now 0.

I will go into my account and check whether the Nonghyup Card points have been successfully converted into cash. You can see that the points have changed well as shown below.

Nonghyup Card Point Cash Conversion Completed