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In this post, we will look at the ‘Moonlight Children’s Hospital’ that is being implemented in the country. If your child gets sick at night, you may need to rush to the emergency room. In the case of the emergency room, treatment fees are high and there is a problem of overcrowding in the emergency room at night, so we have designated and operated ‘Moonlight Children’s Hospital’ for pediatric patients. In the case of emergency rooms, children may be exposed to a scary environment due to critically ill patients, so it would be a good idea to check the locations of nearby hospitals and prepare for any unexpected situation. Now, let’s start today’s post!



Thumbnail_Moonbit Children’s Hospital


What is Moonlight Children’s Hospital?

If your child suddenly becomes ill late at night, you must seek medical attention promptly. You will most likely go to the emergency room of a general hospital. If you visit the emergency room late at night, there may be many patients with severe emergencies, so pediatric patients with mild symptoms are likely to be given priority, and treatment may be delayed. Additionally, the cost of using the emergency room is high, so it can be a burden. To solve this shortcoming, we have been operating ‘Moonlight Children’s Hospital’ since 2014.


◆ Operating hours

– Weekdays: 6:00 PM – 11:00 PM or 12:00 PM (operating hours vary by institution)

– Weekends/Holidays: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.


◆ Who can use it?

Provide medical services to patients with mild symptoms in children under 18 years of age

(※ Service provided at an average cost of 1/3 of that of an emergency room)


◆ How to check designated hospital

– How to check using the official website

When you enter the website, designated hospitals are categorized by region. Please select a region to see designated hospitals.

■ Check the homepage site

>>>> Link to find Moonlight Children’s Hospital <<<<


– How to check using the app

You can check on your mobile phone using the ‘Emergency Medical Information Provision’ app. After installation, select the [Moonlight Children’s Hospital] menu at the bottom of the main map screen to display the hospital location as shown in the captured photo. If you select the displayed hospital, you can check the operating hours and treatment areas, so please check before visiting.



This time, we looked at Moonlight Children’s Hospital. It can be frustrating if your child suddenly gets sick at night, so please check the contents carefully and use it as a reference. So, I will end this post here.