도매매 위탁판매 Can I make money by selling Coupang on consignment?

도매매 위탁판매I’ll try it myself and see if I can make money or not.

I think it will be a long-term project to even sell it.
please !!! We will achieve sales.

And I wrote in great detail how to sell it.

I hope everyone who reads my writing can follow along!!!
Let’s run until the day when everyone succeeds.

After I, the seller, do not have the product in stock and only receive orders from an intermediary,
If you hand over your order information to a wholesaler, the wholesaler will even package and deliver the product.
It’s called consignment selling.

Basic supplies for selling

1. Mail order business report
2. Wholesale, owner clan site business ID
3. Coupang Wing business ID

(This is my standard.)
The reason is that I don’t have the time and know-how to go to another mall yet.
And because my head doesn’t support it…^^

Product registration limit: 5,000 per day
+There was no limit in the past, but it has been increased.
(Actually, when I registered, the number of options was included in the number of registered products per day.)

It varies by category.
Fee can be checked when setting category in product registration
ex) Health functional food fee: 10.8%

Weekly calculation, monthly calculation
+All of the above settlement criteria are after product purchase is confirmed
Or, it will be added to your bank account after a certain period of time.

I will do it on a monthly basis.

Use wholesale personal site bulk registration program
Bulk registration on the owner clan site Using the multi-seller program

+ It’s pure and doesn’t touch anything other than the margin.
We will only proceed with mass registration.

Sales product categories

All categories

sell one product

After accessing the wholesale site, click on fashion accessories/accessories on the top left.
I’ll upload it.

37,017 ㅠㅠ There are too many. Just~! I will only select 5000.

Fashion props/accessories – Let’s go into detail about fashion props.

There are 13,406. There are still a lot ㅠ

We will select 5,000 items from page 1 in order of most recent registration and place them in the archive.
Please select to view +200 items each.~!

5000… You have completed your selection. Choosing is also a task!!!
(Takes about 10 minutes)
Click Add Selected Products to DB.

Go to the product DB storage
From there, we will select 1000 products and proceed with automatic registration.
(Up to 1000 items can be registered at a time. x5)
Wholesale site screen

I uploaded the product with a margin of 20%.
(When uploading a product, you need to set the margin by considering fees and other factors~!)
Once you have set the margin, click Send to SpeedGo to upload the product.

Wholesale site screen

If the transfer is successful in the Coupang section as shown in the picture above,
The product is being delivered well.

Coupang wing seller center screen

It takes about 5 minutes to register 1000 items.
I went into the Coupang Wing Seller Center to check whether the product was registered properly.
Of the 1,000 automatically registered products, 988 were successfully uploaded, excluding 12 products with errors.
Let’s consistently register 5,000 items a day like this and see how much sales there are in a month.~!

30 days a month x 5000 = 150,000,000 products.
Today’s post was about registering products yourself to see if you can make real money through wholesale and consignment sales.

If a sale occurs, we will also write about how to ship the product after the actual sale occurs.

I wrote about the product registration process in the article above, but there are some parts omitted~ㅠㅠ
If you are curious about more details, please leave a comment^^
After checking the comments, we will explain how to automatically register a wholesale owner clan in more detail later.
I will be posting about how to register an API key.
thank you
yes? Sales already occurring in just 3 days of mass registration Wholesale wholesale owner clan multi-seller Coupang consignment sales
hello. In the previous post, we learned about how to register in bulk at Coupang consignment sales/wholesale, and today we brought you some very warm and pleasant news!!! (Maybe I’m the only one who feels good^^…)

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