동물등록번호 조회방법 How to check animal registration number

If you have a pet, you probably register your pet. Today, there are times when you don’t remember the animal registration number after registering your pet. In such cases, I will tell you how to look up your pet’s animal registration number.동물등록번호 조회

동물등록번호 조회

Looking up your pet’s animal registration number
Looking up your pet’s animal registration number
Table of contents

How to look up your pet’s animal registration number
Results of looking up your pet’s animal registration number

Looking up your pet’s animal registration number is simple. First, log into the ‘National Animal Protection Information System’ and sign up as a member. After signing up, click the ‘myPage’ menu and then click ‘Animal Registration Change Report and Registration Certificate Print’ to check the animal registration number of your registered pet.

After receiving this registration number, it is best to have the owner wear an identification tag that shows the owner’s name, contact information, and animal registration number. This is to prepare for unexpected situations. Then, let’s also find out how to search for an animal registration number.

How to search for animal registration number
It is also very easy to search, but I will proceed under the assumption that the animal has already been registered and that you have registered as a member of the site. First, go to [Animal Protection Management System] and log in.

Then, if you go to the [Animal Registration Change Report] page, you can check the number below, animal registration number, animal name, gender, registration date, and status at a glance.

How to search for animal registration number
If the registered pet owner name and resident registration number do not match, you cannot search for the animal registration number. In this case, it is recommended that you visit the city/county/district office and update the owner information.

I do not have a pet, so it does not appear separately, but if you have already registered, you can easily search.

Report for change in animal registration (lost, deceased, address change, etc.)
You can check the animal registration number like this, but if you have lost your beloved pet or crossed the rainbow bridge one day, it is recommended that you change the status.

When crossing the rainbow bridge
When lost and found
When in possession
You can check the four items above. To report loss or death, click on the animal registration number and report it on the details screen.

How to print an animal registration certificate

Sometimes you may need to print this animal registration certificate. Just follow the steps below.

Access the National Animal Protection Information System
Sign up
Click on ‘Report change in animal registration and print registration certificate’ in the myPage menu
How to search for a companion animal registration number
How to search for a companion animal registration number
Results of searching for a companion animal registration number
Results of searching for a companion animal registration number
Results of searching for a companion animal registration number
You can check the animal registration number, the name, gender, and registration date of the registered animal, print the animal registration certificate, and report changes if your companion animal is lost or dead.