마그네슘 효능 7 signs of magnesium deficiency [Checkup High]: Health checkup information

마그네슘 효능Magnesium is a little hero that protects our body by playing a role in nerves, muscles, blood sugar, bones, and metabolism.
It is said that not having enough magnesium can seriously harm our body. We will find out why.

Women need to consume 310 to 320 mg of magnesium per day, but fortunately it is readily available everywhere.
You can get it.
Dark leafy greens, nuts and seeds, beans, avocados, bananas and even dark chocolate contain magnesium.

However, most people still do not consume as much magnesium as they need.
The risk of magnesium deficiency is high if you drink alcohol frequently, have gastrointestinal problems, or are deficient in vitamin D.

Magnesium deficiency may not cause immediate symptoms, but it can slowly cause difficult problems.
Let’s learn about the symptoms that occur due to magnesium deficiency.
1. My fingers and toes sometimes tingle.
Magnesium acts as a nerve impulse in the body, so a deficiency can cause numbness or tingling.
It usually occurs in the fingers and toes, and sometimes you may feel numbness in your arms or legs.

2. You may think you have a cold. If you feel like you have a cold, such as no appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, etc., this is due to magnesium deficiency.
This may be the first symptom

3. Seizures can occur normally. Seizures are caused by abnormal electrical stimulation in the brain. If a seizure occurs normally, it is due to a lack of magnesium.
It may occur so you need to see a doctor.

4. Muscle cramps may occur frequently. When magnesium levels are low, more calcium flows into nerve cells, causing excessive stimulation of muscle nerves.
Magnesium supplements may be helpful, especially since it is common in pregnant women.

5. You may feel anxious or depressed Low magnesium levels can cause mood and personality changes and increase your risk of depression.
If your mood changes more frequently than usual, it’s a good idea to be suspicious.

6. Your heart may beat faster than usual
Magnesium deficiency can reduce potassium levels and affect heart muscle cells, disrupting normal heart rhythm.
If you feel slower or faster than usual, you need to see a doctor.

7. Constipation may occur suddenly. If you are experiencing unusual constipation, it may be suggesting that your body needs magnesium to relieve constipation.
If you have constipation, try taking a magnesium supplement.

So far, we have learned about 7 signs of magnesium deficiency.
I hope you are always healthy and remember to check up when you need a health checkup. Other health news and comprehensive health checkup events
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