메트라이프 고객센터 및 전화번호 MetLife Customer Center and Phone Numbers

MetLife Life Insurance Branch, Customer Plaza Business Hours and Lunch Hours

메트라이프 고객센터

메트라이프 고객센터
MetLife Life Insurance Customer Plaza business hours are from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, just like other financial institutions. Other banks, such as Shinhan Bank and Kookmin Bank, are currently implementing shortened business hours and only provide customer services between 09:30 and 15:30, but MetLife Life Insurance Customer Plaza does not implement shortened business hours, so you can visit anytime between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM to provide insurance services. MetLife branches are operated separately from Customer Plaza and provide services from 09:00 to 17:00. However, please note that branches are not open for business during lunch hours (12:00-13:00). MetLife Life Insurance Customer Plaza is open for lunch from 11:50-13:00, but business services are available. However, please note that there may be a long wait time if you visit during this time, and we recommend that you visit the branch during the lunch hour if possible.

MetLife Life Insurance Branch, Customer Plaza Business Hours and Lunch Hours/Customer Center Information
MetLife Life Insurance Branch, Customer Plaza Business Hours and Lunch Hours/Customer Center Information

MetLife Life Insurance Customer Center (Call Center) Business Hours
If you have difficulty visiting a MetLife Life Insurance branch during this time, it is a good idea to use the customer center (call center) to handle business. You can use the MetLife Call Center by calling 1588-9600, and when using from overseas, you can call +82-2-2017-6700. The call center is open from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, and is only open on weekdays. You can use the call center regardless of the lunch hour, but if you call during the lunch hour, there may be a long wait because there are relatively fewer employees working. To reduce the wait time, please use the Metlife Customer Center during the lunch hour. For information on shortened banking hours, please refer to Shinhan Bank’s Changes in Business Hours (Shortened) and Lunch Hours, and for information on using ATM machines, please refer to Shinhan Bank’s ATM (Automated Teller Machine) Usage Hours, Deposit Limits, Withdrawal Limits, and Fees.