무신사 고객센터 및 전화번호 Mushin Customer Center and Phone Number

We will tell you how to refund the phone number return item. Up to 80% discount on popular products to 20% coupon! Visit the Mushinsa site right now.

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1. Call center phone number
-Operating hours: 9 am -6 pm (excluding Saturday/Sunday/holidays)


-Call inquiries: 1544-7199 ([No. 1] Mushin Store, [No. 2] Kids/Player Specialist, [No. 3] Boutique, [No. 4] Standard Offline Store, [No. 5] Other Services])
-1: 1 Inquiry: My Page> Customer Center> 1: 1 Inquiry

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2. Return reception
Please receive the return by selecting the exchange (refund).

■ Please recover
We visit within 1 ~ 3 days on weekdays as the recovery of the courier as a courier.
※ Before the visit, the courier will be visited after contacting.

■ I sent it directly
A courier service like a courier who has received the product, and you must make a reservation for returns.
If you complete the product recovery, please enter the transportation information.

※ If you use a courier service other than the contractor, please send it to the return destination, respectively.
※ Even if there is a contents of the guide, etc., it should not be included.

[Go to the Rally FAQ FAQ]
[Courier Customer Center FAQ shortcut]


3. How to exchange
Exchange can be accepted only in order/shipping/pickup inquiry only if it is within 7 days including the delivery date.
(Example: If you receive a product on March 8, you can accept it by March 14)



■ Exchange Acception path
Mobile (App/Web): My Page> Order/Shipping/Pickup Inquiry> Request for Exchange
PC (Web): My Page> Inquiry of Order> Exchange Request

1. Please select the exchange of the product to be returned.

2. Please select a return method.
-Please recover: Visit within 1 to 3 days on weekdays as a recovery resin requested by courier.
-It was sent directly: You must make a return to the same courier as a courier who received the product.
※ If there is no return number yet, please select ‘Register the next’ for the return information information.

3. The exchange shipping fee must be preliminary.
Only credit cards or virtual account payments are available.

4. The product must be packaged and returned as it is.

※ If the product in progress is sold out due to the reason for the member, the return cost may be incurred and the payment amount will be refunded.
※ Please check [FAQ] if it is difficult to handle exchange.

[Return Reception FAQ Shortcut]
[Exchange Progress FAQ shortcut]


4. Refund
Refunds can only be received from ordering/shipping/pickup inquiry only if they are within 7 days including the delivery date.
(Example: If you receive a product on March 8, you can accept a refund by March 14)

■ Refund acceptance path
Mobile (App/Web): My Page> Order/Shipping/Pickup Inquiry> Refund Request
PC (Web): My Page> Inquiry of Order> Refund Request



1. Please select a refund of the product to be returned.

2. Please select a return method.
-Please recover: Visit within 1 ~ 3 days on weekdays with the recovery of the courier as a courier.
-It was sent directly: You must make a reservation for returns with the same courier as a courier who received the product.
※ If there is no return number yet, please select the following registration for the return information.

3. Refund shipping costs will be deducted from the order amount after the arrival and inspection of the product.
※ If the mobile phone payment and return shipping cost is larger than the product amount, it can be accepted after payment.

4. The product must be packaged and returned as it is.
※ If you have a free gift, please pack it together and return it.

[Return Reception FAQ Shortcut]
[If the refund is difficult, go to FAQ]
[Refunding Progress FAQ shortcut]


5. Return of reserves in case of refund
The reserves used when ordering will be returned again if you refund the product.
It is returned by the ratio of the reserve used in the partial refund.

■ Partial refund example
Product A -30,000 won / B product -50,000 won / C product -If the reserve used to purchase 70,000 won is 10,500 won (7%of the purchase amount),
-If A product cancellation, the reserve of 2,100 won, which is 7%of 30,000 won, and the difference of 27,900 won
-If product can be canceled, the reserve of 3,500 won, which is 7%of 50,000 won, and the difference of 46,500 won
-If C product can be canceled, the reserve of 4,900 won, which is 70,000 won, and the difference of 65,100 won

We learned how to refund the phone number return item.