무인 아이스크림 창업비용 Cost and reality of starting an unmanned ice cream business – Manin Post

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It’s an attractive business structure, but the reality is… well?
Let’s find out how much it costs to start an unmanned ice cream business, and include stories about the reality after starting a business and my personal evaluation.
In addition to unmanned ice cream startups, there are several franchises such as Pick Me Pick Me, Darcy, and The Dal Dal. The startup costs for each brand are different, but the approximate amount is similar. Representative items include ① Kiosk ② Interior, signage ③ Electricity, facility construction ( Air conditioning/heating, etc.) ④ Initial product ⑤ Freezer ⑥ Publicity fee, etc. Here, there is a separate store purchase fee (deposit + key money). The advantage of starting an unmanned ice cream business is that the start-up cost is relatively low compared to other start-ups. The cost of signage/interior is 12 million won, electrical work etc. is about 5 million won, and the initial product costs from 3 million won to as much as 7 million won depending on the company. Costs vary. In addition, some places rent kiosks for free, while others sell them for around 1.5 million won. The total start-up cost varies from about 28 to 35 million won, with headquarters costs of about 30 million won, plus store opening costs. If you add the purchase cost (deposit + key money), you get the actual start-up cost. If you do it really cheaply, you can start a business with 40 to 50 million won, and if you want to start a business in a good place, you can think of it as adding that much key money.

The big advantage of starting an unmanned ice cream business, unlike unmanned laundromats, unmanned cafes, and unmanned photo studios, is that the startup costs are really low. In addition, it’s good that you can have a lot of personal time because you don’t have to incur big expenses like labor costs. However, the theory is that It’s just a theory… It is true that there are many difficult aspects. In my opinion, there are two biggest reasons for the difficulty of starting an ice cream business. One is that the barrier to entry is too low and the other is that the price is too low. One of the advantages of starting an unmanned ice cream business is the low start-up cost, but it is acting as a poison. In residential commercial districts, ice cream discount stores are very common and are still popping up. Not only for office workers but also for housewives. There are so many people who start a business with the mindset that since they don’t have to make a lot of money through a side job, it would be better than putting money in the bank. Even though we are all going to die;; In addition, there is a critical weakness that the price per customer is too low. Seasonal Since it is a burning item, sales drop significantly in the winter. To cover this, additional products such as stationery and snacks are sold, but it is not easy to overcome. You have to sell a few ice creams priced at 500 to 1,000 won each to achieve daily sales of 300,000 won. Should I come out… ? You need to sell 300 to 600 pieces to make daily sales of 300,000 won. This seems like a sales volume that even people who have never run a business can easily feel… .hmm… If you sell “every day” like this, you can achieve 9 million won in monthly sales. In winter… ? hmm… ^^; Excluding the water bill, you have to deduct various costs such as electricity, CCTV, monthly rent, internet, etc. to get net profit. It doesn’t seem easy to make a profit of 1 million won per month. In fact, there are many people who are running a business and cannot avoid losses, even competing stores. They keep popping up, so even if I try to look at them positively, based on my short insight, I can’t think of a solution. My honest opinion is that I would not recommend starting a business from a long-term perspective, except for one or two very small stores that are doing business in a single commercial district. Rather, in small commercial districts. If you live in a place where the monthly rent is extremely low, you may be able to make some profit by working two jobs.
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